A Beautiful Constraint. How To Transform Your Limitations Into Advantages, and Why It's Everyone's Business
Автор: Adam Morgan
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An inspiring yet practical guide for transforming limitations into opportunities A Beautiful Constraint: How to Transform Your Limitations Into Advantages And Why It's Everyone's Business Now is a book about everyday, practical inventiveness, designed for the constrained times in which we live. It describes how to take the kinds of issues that all of us face today—lack of time, money, resources, attention, know-how—and see in them the opportunity for transformation of oneself and one's organization's fortunes. The ideas in the book are based on the authors' extensive work as business consultants, and are brought to life in 35 personal interviews from such varied sources as Nike, IKEA, Unilever, the U.S. Navy, Formula One racecar engineers, public school teachers in California, and barley farmers in South Africa. Underpinned by scientific research into the psychology of breakthrough, the book is a practical handbook full of tools and tips for how to make more from less. Beautifully designed and accessible, A Beautiful Constraint will appeal beyond its core business audience to anyone who needs to find the opportunity in constraint. The book takes the reader on a journey through the mindset, method and motivation required to move from the initial «victim» stage into the transformation stage. It challenges us to: Examine how we've become path dependent—stuck with routines that blind us from seeing opportunity along new paths Ask Propelling Questions to help us break free of those paths and put the most pressing and valuable constraints at the heart of our process Adopt a Can If mentality to answer these questions—focused on «how,» not «if» Access the abundance to be found all around us to help transform constraints Activate the high-octane mix of emotions necessary to fuel the tenacity required for success We live in a world of seemingly ever-increasing constraints, driven as much by an overabundance of choices and connections as by a scarcity of time and resources. How we respond to these constraints is one of the most important issues of our time and will be a large determinant of our progress as people, businesses and planet, in the future. A Beautiful Constraint calls for a more widespread capability for constraint-driven problem solving and provides the framework to achieve that.
Investment Project Design. A Guide to Financial and Economic Analysis with Constraints
Автор: David Sussman
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Make more informed project investment decisions by knowing what issues to examine in the planning process and how to analyze their impacts Poor or insufficient planning is primarily responsible for the inordinate number of idle and rusting capital facilities around the world, with investment decisions often made on the basis of either intuition or inadequate analysis. Investment Project Design: A Guide to Financial and Economic Analysis with Constraints alerts potential investors and other stakeholders to precipitous changes in the investment milieu as a result of constraints on resources and infrastructure, economic and political turmoil, and population growth. The guide Includes descriptions of specific methods of financial and economic analysis for new investments and for expansion of an existing enterprise Covers project risk assessment, mitigation and avoidance Provides real-life case studies, adapted for presentation, and addresses the design of projects large and small, as well as those in both private and public sectors Features spreadsheet layouts and computations Investment Project Design is the ultimate resource in the methods of designing and appraising investment projects
Slimming’s dominant: what does it mean and how to transform desire into working mechanism
Автор: Tamara Damashcan
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Authorial methodology: “Slimming’s dominant” – your way in the world of slimness. This methodology is interesting to learn and easy to apply. Wish to be thin can be for sure transformed into powerful mechanism. How to make it work? – read in my book, which has no analogues in the whole world at the moment.
Constraint Networks. Targeting Simplicity for Techniques and Algorithms
Автор: Christophe Lecoutre
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A major challenge in constraint programming is to develop efficient generic approaches to solve instances of the constraint satisfaction problem (CSP). With this aim in mind, this book provides an accessible synthesis of the author's research and work in this area, divided into four main topics: representation, inference, search, and learning. The results obtained and reproduced in this book have a wide applicability, regardless of the nature of the problem or the constraints involved, making it an extremely user-friendly resource for those involved in this field.
Engineering Complex Phenotypes in Industrial Strains
Автор: Ranjan Patnaik
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This book highlights current trends and developments in the area of engineering strains. The book details the current and future tools used in the production of bulk chemicals and biofuels from renewable biomass using green technologies. Complex phenotypes are traits in a microbe that requires multiple genetic changes to be modulated simultaneously in the microorganism’s DNA. Knowing what those genetic changes are for a given trait and how to make those changes in the most efficient way forms the motivation behind writing this book. This book explains the newer tools to develop and enable engineered strains at time scales much faster that the natural evolution process so that we can increase a cells' production of a certain substance, increase process productivity, and extend metabolic capability. This book provides a one stop platform of reference for practicing researchers in the field of industrial biotechnology. This book also explains that the commercial success of a process that uses microbial catalysts over platforms that use chemical catalysts and fossil fuels depends on the time it takes to engineer these microbes to perform the desired reaction under harsh manufacturing conditions and at rates that meets the criteria for economic feasibility.
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