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La Traviata La Traviata

Автор: Джузеппе Верди

Год издания: 

Traviata Traviata

Автор: Джузеппе Верди

Год издания: 

&quote;La Traviata&quote; "e;La Traviata"e;

Автор: Thomson Smillie

Год издания: 

La Traviata - Die ZEIT-Edition La Traviata - Die ZEIT-Edition "Gro?e Oper f?r kleine H?rer" (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Bert Petzold

Год издания: 

Violetta liebt Geburtstagsgeschenke und ihre Partys sind die besten in ganz Paris. Eintritt erhalt aber nur, wer ein Geschenk mitbringt, das Violetta gefallt. Alfred wartet geduldig auf Einlass, denn er ist sehr in Violetta verliebt. Sein Vater sieht das allerdings gar nicht gern und mochte die beiden voneinander trennen.

The La Traviata Affair The La Traviata Affair

Автор: Dr. Hilde Roos

Год издания: 

Race, politics, and opera production during apartheid South Africa intersect in this historiographic work on the Eoan Group, a &ldquo;coloured&rdquo; cultural organization that performed opera in the Cape. <I>The </I>La Traviata<I> Affair</I> charts Eoan&rsquo;s opera activities from the group&rsquo;s inception in 1933 until the cessation of their productions by 1980. It explores larger questions of complicity, compromise, and compliance; of assimilation, appropriation, and race; and of &ldquo;European art music&rdquo; in situations of &ldquo;non-European&rdquo; dispossession and disenfranchisement. Performing under the auspices of apartheid, the group&rsquo;s unquestioned acceptance of and commitment to the art of opera could not redeem it from the entanglements that came with the political compromises it made. Uncovering a rich trove of primary source materials, Hilde Roos presents here for the first time the story of one of the premier cultural agencies of apartheid South Africa.<BR /> &#160;