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The Refugees The Refugees

Автор: Артур Конан Дойл

Год издания: 

The Refugees is a historical novel, centring on the fate of the Huguenots during the reign of Louis XIV and the revoking of the Edict of Nantes.

Store Wars. The Worldwide Battle for Mindspace and Shelfspace, Online and In-store Store Wars. The Worldwide Battle for Mindspace and Shelfspace, Online and In-store

Автор: John Bradley

Год издания: 

The sequel to the highly successful Store Wars: the battle for mindspace and shelfspace published in 1995. The new edition will retain all the strengths of the old book including a comprehensive and complex approach to the consumer & retail market and the interaction between FMCG retailers and manufacturers. The book will be thoroughly revised and updated and will consist of 4 main parts: A section on leading FMCG companies and brands (such as Coke, P&G, Unilever, Nestle, L'Oreal etc.), their marketing and branding strategies in the western markets (USA, Western Europe: UK, France, Germany and others). A section on leading retailers (Wal-Mart, Tesco, Carrefour etc.), their developments and expansion over the last 10 years. A section describing the interaction between retailers and manufacturers, including competition for end-consumers, trade marketing. A section covering the Emerging Markets—the retail landscape in the major developing economies, results of the expansion of major FMCG brands and western retail chains, challenges related to distribution and FMCG marketing in those countries. The book will also discuss the impact of the Global Crisis on the consumer and retail markets as well as predictions and prospects for the future.

The Utopian Globalists. Artists of Worldwide Revolution, 1919 - 2009 The Utopian Globalists. Artists of Worldwide Revolution, 1919 - 2009

Автор: Jonathan Harris

Год издания: 

An innovative history and critical account mapping the ways artists and their works have engaged with, and offered commentary on, modern spectacle in both capitalist and socialist modernism over the past ninety years. Focuses on artists whose work expresses the concept of revolutionary social transformation Provides a strong historical narrative that adds structure and clarity Features a cogent and innovative critique of contemporary art and institutions Covers 100 years of art from Vladimir Tatlin’s constructivist ‘Monument to the Third International’, to Picasso’s late 1940s commitment to Communism, to the Unilever Series sponsored Large Artworks installed at London’s Tate Modern since 2000. Includes the only substantial account in print of John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s 1969 Montreal ‘Bed-in’ Offers an accessible description and interpretation of Debord’s ‘society of the spectacle’ theory

An Introduction to Mutual Funds Worldwide An Introduction to Mutual Funds Worldwide

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

This guide explains what mutual funds are, how they have developed and how they are used, regulated and administered across the globe. Both open-ended and closed-ended funds are described and the differences between the international markets, particularly USA, Europe and UK are addressed. Written by successful trainer and consultant, Ray Russell, the material reflects the growth and importance across the globe of mutual funds as a means of investing in worldwide economic development, whether to build a fund for retirement or otherwise. Readers will gain a basic appreciation of Mutual funds in their many forms, advocating the use of the mutual fund as a sensible, efficient and ultimately rewarding means of investment. It covers the origins, purpose, development, uses, operation and regulation of mutual funds and draws attention to similarities and differences between major jurisdictions, commenting on their unique features and approaches.

Mortgage Markets Worldwide Mortgage Markets Worldwide

Автор: Danny Ben-Shahar

Год издания: 

Mortgage markets are more than simply the means by which real estate transactions are financed; they are a key indicator of the level of development of a country's entire economy, in which banks are able to manage the associated risk, and where governments use them to promote their social and economic policies. China, India, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Ghana, South Africa, Israel, and Poland are all covered in this book, as well as comparative studies of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Russia, and a long list of emerging economies. These represent both different regions of the world and markets at varying stages of economic and financial development. The editors present an institutional, empirical and theoretical evaluation of different housing finance systems, presenting a collection of studies that describe various aspects of selected mortgage markets around the world. Questions relating to housing finance efficiency and contract heterogeneity are examined and the securitization experiences in these countries are analysed, offering valuable lessons on how mortgage markets are integrated with capital markets and how particular institutional frameworks interact with mortgage markets. Short reviews on each mortgage market are given covering institutional aspects of the markets, such as the size and structure of the market (including flows and accumulation of funds); a description of the competition and a presentation of the major competitors (including market share and major financial measures); profitability in the market, with trends and structural changes; the major mortgage instruments and their market share; special tax issues; the role of the government in the market; defaults, prepayments and mortgage insurance; and major regulatory issues. Through this thorough analysis, the major existing problems in the mortgage market of each country are explored, highlighting the current steps adopted to solve these problems, propositions for dealing with the major issues in the future and the implied developments in the market. Researchers in real estate and housing economics throughout the world – as well as city analysts – will gain through Mortgage Markets Worldwide a better understanding of this rich and complex market.