Cinco minutos
Автор: Jose Martiniano de Alencar
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Chemometric Methods in Capillary Electrophoresis
Автор: Hanrahan Grady
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Use chemometric techniques to develop optimum separation conditions for capillary electrophoreses For all its advantages, capillary electrophoresis (CE) also carries significant disadvantages for the researcher. Offering a unique blend of information from authors active in a variety of developments of chemometrics in CE, Chemometric Methods in Capillary Electrophoresis presents modern chemometric methods as an alternative to help alleviate the problems commonly encountered during routine analysis and method development. Focusing on current chemometric methods utilized in CE endeavours by research-active experts in the field, the book begins with a thorough introduction to CE and chemometric-related concepts and the need for modern chemometric methods in CE. Part 1 discusses differing types of screening designs and response surface methodology?in an?application based format Part 2 includes vital discussion on various exploratory data analysis, prediction, and classification techniques utilized in CE-related studies Part 3 provides practical information on modelling quantitative structure relationships Part 4 explores transformation techniques, in particular fundamental studies and applications of cross-correlation and Hadamard Transform Electrophoresis Showing how chemometric methods are applied in a wide array of applications including biological, medical, pharmaceutical, food, forensic, and environmental science, Chemometric Methods in Capillary Electrophoresis is not only highly significant to capillary electrophoresis-based endeavours, but instructive for investigators active in other areas of separation science who could benefit from its informative content.
Capillary Electrophoresis and Microchip Capillary Electrophoresis
Автор: Carlos D. Garcia
Год издания:
Explores the benefits and limitations of the latest capillary electrophoresis techniques Capillary electrophoresis and microchip capillary electrophoresis are powerful analytical tools that are particularly suited for separating and analyzing biomolecules. In comparison with traditional analytical techniques, capillary electrophoresis and microchip capillary electrophoresis offer the benefits of speed, small sample and solvent consumption, low cost, and the possibility of miniaturization. With contributions from a team of leading analytical scientists, Capillary Electrophoresis and Microchip Capillary Electrophoresis explains how researchers can take full advantage of all the latest techniques, emphasizing applications in which capillary electrophoresis has proven superiority over other analytical approaches. The authors not only explore the benefits of each technique, but also the limitations, enabling readers to choose the most appropriate technique to analyze a particular sample. The book's twenty-one chapters explore fundamental aspects of electrophoretically driven separations, instrumentation, sampling techniques, separation modes, detection systems, optimization strategies for method development, and applications. Specific topics include: Critical evaluation of the use of surfactants in capillary electrophoresis Sampling and quantitative analysis in capillary electrophoresis Capillary electrophoresis with electrochemical detection Overcoming challenges in using microchip electrophoresis for extended monitoring applications Capillary electrophoresis of intact unfractionated heparin and related impurities Microchip capillary electrophoresis for in situ planetary exploration Each chapter begins with an introduction and ends with conclusions as well as references to the primary literature. Novices to the field will find this book an easy-to-follow introduction to core capillary electrophoresis techniques and methods. More experienced investigators can turn to the book for troubleshooting tips and expert advice to guide them through the most advanced applications.
Capillary Electrophoresis - Mass Spectrometry (CE-MS)
Автор: Gerhardus de Jong
Год издания:
This monograph offers the reader a complete overview on both principles and applications of CE-MS. Starting with an introductory chapter on detection in CE, also related and more specialized techniques such as electrophoretic and chromatographic preconcentration are discussed. A special emphasis is put on CE-MS interfaces, which are described in detail. In a separate chapter, attention is paid to sheath-liquid interfacing. The developments and possibilities of microchip CE-MS are also described. Applications to all relevant areas are discussed in distinct chapters, each written by experts in the respective fields. Besides applications in pharmaceutical analysis and bioanalysis, recent implementations in food science, forensic analysis, analysis of intact proteins, metabolomics and proteomics are highlighted. MS is a perfectly appropriate detection system for CE, as efficient separation is coupled to sensitive and selection detection. Moreover, MS can provide structure information on the separated compounds. CE-MS has now been developed into a strong hyphenated system complementary to LC-MS. This monograph is an unique source of knowledge for everyone dealing with and interested in CE-MS.
Thermodynamics of Surfaces and Capillary Systems
Автор: Michel Soustelle
Год издания:
This book is part of a set of books which offers advanced students successive characterization tool phases, the study of all types of phase (liquid, gas and solid, pure or multi-component), process engineering, chemical and electrochemical equilibria, and the properties of surfaces and phases of small sizes. Macroscopic and microscopic models are in turn covered with a constant correlation between the two scales. Particular attention has been given to the rigor of mathematical developments. This volume, the final of the Chemical Thermodynamics Set, offers an in-depth examination of chemical thermodynamics. The author uses systems of liquids, vapors, solids and mixtures of these in thermodynamic approaches to determine the influence of the temperature and pressure on the surface tension and its consequences on specific heat capacities and latent heats. Electro-capillary phenomena, the thermodynamics of cylindrical capillary and small volume-phases are also discussed, along with a thermodynamic study of the phenomenon of nucleation of a condensed phase and the properties of thin liquid films. The final chapters discuss the phenomena of physical adsorption and chemical adsorption of gases by solid surfaces. In an Appendix, applications of physical adsorption for the determination of the specific areas of solids and their porosity are given.
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