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Attraverso l’Atlantico in pallone Attraverso l’Atlantico in pallone

Автор: Emilio Salgari

Год издания: 

Unterm Balcon Unterm Balcon

Автор: Карл Иоахим Андерсен

Год издания: 

Every Home Needs A Balcony Every Home Needs A Balcony

Автор: Rina Frank

Год издания: 

This international bestseller tells the bittersweet story of one family, one home, and the surprising arc of one woman's life, from the poverty of her youth, to the intense love and painful losses of her adult years.Braiding together the past and present, Every Home Needs a Balcony relays the life story of a young Jewish girl, the child of Romanian immigrants, who lives with her family in the poverty-stricken heart of 1950s Haifa, Israel.Eight-year-old Rina, her older sister, and her parents inhabit a cramped apartment with a narrow balcony that becomes an intimate, shared stage on which the joys and dramas of the building's daily life are played out. It also a window through which Rina witnesses the emergence of a strange new country, born from the ashes of World War II. While her mother cleans houses and her father drifts from job to job, as the years pass Rina becomes desperate to escape her crowded, dirty surroundings. Eventually she falls in love with a wealthy Spaniard and moves to a luxury apartment in Barcelona.Yet although she enjoys money and status in her new land, it is not Israel. Longing for the past, Rina, now pregnant, returns to the simple life she has missed – a move that soothes her soul, but destroys her marriage. Alone, raising a new baby, comes the painful realization that no matter how much she yearns for the past, the old Haifa of her boisterous youth has gone.Told with the light touch of a humorous, incredibly dexterous writer, Every Home Needs a Balcony reveals how our choices shape us – and how we learn to survive life's most surprising turns.

El Balcon El Balcon

Автор: Andrea Dilorenzo

Год издания: 

Nunca antes los esfuerzos del hombre se habian concentrado tanto en la busqueda de la Verdad, de la felicidad, del sentido de la vida. Y sin embargo, sucede a menudo que, solo cuando llegamos a nuestro destino, nos damos cuenta de que el viaje que hemos recorrido era en realidad mas importante que la meta misma, que no buscamos tanto que la Verdad nos ensene o nos haga crecer, sino el camino que elegimos para lograrla. El balcon es el viaje de un joven en busca de si mismo, a traves de Europa y Oriente Medio, en el intento de reunir las preguntas con las respuestas. Reunir: pues, en su origen, nada esta separado del resto. Un balcon que da al mar, rodeado de un paisaje surrealista, en un lugar no muy bien definido, sin tiempo. Pero en aquel balcon se encuentra tambien una mujer envuelta en un halo de misterio. Y seguidamente, un salto en el vacio, una experiencia indescriptible que escapa a cualquier explicacion logica. ?Un sueno a ojos abiertos? ?O una experiencia real mas alla de los limites de lo conocido? Dos meses mas tarde, Andrea, el protagonista de aquella extrana experiencia, se dirige hacia Andalucia, donde ya habia vivido anos atras, para pasar su cumpleanos en compania de algunos viejos amigos. Es ahi donde conoce a Sarah, una chica siria refugiada en Almunecar, cerca de Granada, despues de que la guerra civil le hubiese arrebatado su casa y su familia. Entre los dos nace un amor inesperado y espontaneo que les lleva rapidamente a compartir mucho mas que una simple pasion. Pero parece que ese amor y ese encuentro no son fruto unicamente de una casualidad, y Andrea comienza a creer que aquel sueno, quizas, no era solo eso, y que Sarah era justo la mujer que habia visto – ?o imaginado? – en aquel balcon misterioso.

The Man on the Balcony The Man on the Balcony

Автор: Maj Sjowall

Год издания: 

The third book in the hugely acclaimed Martin Beck series: the novels that shaped the future of Scandinavian crime fiction and influenced writers from Stieg Larrson to Jo Nesbo, Henning Mankell and Lars Kepplar.Someone is assaulting and killing young girls in the once-peaceful parks of Stockholm. Detective Inspector Marin Beck has two witnesses: a cold-blooded mugger who won’t say much, and a three-year-old boy who can’t say much. The killer will strike again, and the police are getting nowhere. Can Beck crack the case before time runs out?