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Throwing caution to the wind at a dangerous time, John Steward gathered a handful of Rwandans and together they dreamed of ways to heal the wounds of genocide and war. The vibrancy of this group drew others into a radical circle for change which silently spread outwards. John made 19 return visits to Rwanda to support and mentor these local warriors for peace. Now he reveals an inspiring story of some of the dozens of people who are being transformed from haters to healers, from bringers of violence to makers of peace.

Generosity Generosity

Автор: Richard Powers

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War and Genocide War and Genocide

Автор: Группа авторов

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This comprehensive introduction to the study of war and genocide presents a disturbing case that the potential for slaughter is deeply rooted in the political, economic, social and ideological relations of the modern world. Most accounts of war and genocide treat them as separate phenomena. This book thoroughly examines the links between these two most inhuman of human activities. It shows that the generally legitimate business of war and the monstrous crime of genocide are closely related. This is not just because genocide usually occurs in the midst of war, but because genocide is a form of war directed against civilian populations. The book shows how fine the line has been, in modern history, between ‘degenerate war’ involving the mass destruction of civilian populations, and ‘genocide’, the deliberate destruction of civilian groups as such. Written by one of the foremost sociological writers on war, War and Genocide has four main features: an original argument about the meaning and causes of mass killing in the modern world; a guide to the main intellectual resources – military, political and social theories – necessary to understand war and genocide; summaries of the main historical episodes of slaughter, from the trenches of the First World War to the Nazi Holocaust and the killing fields of Cambodia, Bosnia and Rwanda; practical guides to further reading, courses and websites. This book examines war and genocide together with their opposites, peace and justice. It looks at them from the standpoint of victims as well as perpetrators. It is an important book for anyone wanting to understand – and overcome – the continuing salience of destructive forces in modern society.

Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide

Автор: Samantha Power

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Robert Coover and the Generosity  of the Page Robert Coover and the Generosity of the Page

Автор: Stephane Vanderhaeghe

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Robert Coover and the Generosity of the Page is an unconventional study of Robert Coover's work from his early masterpiece The Origin of the Brunists (1966) to the recent Noir (2010). Written in the second person, it offers a self-reflexive investigation into the ways in which Coover's stories often challenge the reader to resist the conventions of sense-making and even literary criticism. By portraying characters lost in surroundings they often fail to grasp, Coover's work playfully enacts a «(melo)drama of cognition» that mirrors the reader's own desire to interpret and make sense of texts in unequivocal ways. This tendency in Coover's writing is indicative of a larger refusal of the ready-made, of the once-and-for-all or the authoritative, celebrating instead, in its generosity, the widening of possibilities—thus inevitably forcing the reader-critic to acknowledge the arbitrariness and artificiality of her responses.

Genocide in Cambodia Genocide in Cambodia

Автор: Группа авторов

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