Minnesotans are a highly skilled bunch, whether pursuing traditional activities like wild ricing and pickling, or tastefully displaying taxidermy, or selecting the right fishing bait. Skills particularly appropriate to Minnesota— such as creating seed art or baking a Bundt cake—may be fully on display at the state fair, a prime opportunity to join with neighbors in celebrating our many talents.<br /><br />Best of all, Minnesotans are eager to share their skills with newcomers or the newly inspired, and for The Minnesota Book of Skills many freely offered their expertise in conversations with author Chris Niskanen. Get the inside scoop from Joe Hautman, who has won four federal duck stamp contests. Learn to sing like a voyageur from Francois Fouquerel, dean of the French voyageur program at the Concordia Language Village. Grow and harvest your own wheat with Dave and Florence Minar.<br /><br />The Minnesota Book of Skills brings to life the basic know-how that makes us uniquely Minnesotan. Seasonal tips like how to gracefully exit a ski lift mingle with skills your grandparents knew well, such as what to forage for while on a hike. How soon is too soon to bring a child to the Boundary Waters or set her up on hockey skates? The answers are here. Maybe you'll never carve an ice sculpture or build your own coffin—but isn't it comforting to know that one handy book offers just the guidance you'll need? Получить ссылку |
Academic Skills through Cases in American Studies
Автор: Екатерина Талалакина
Год издания:
‘Academic Skills through Cases in American Studies’ is aimed at ESL college students at the Intermediate-high through Advanced levels of language proficiency. It is designed around eight country-specific (U.S.) cases that develop academic skills tested on international exams. The book covers major topics in the areas of academic reading, speaking and writing. Thus, the targeted learning outcome is two-fold: 1) to explore topical issues in American studies and 2) to master key academic skills. The content of the articles in each unit is selected according to the language needs of students majoring in economics, sociology, political science, and the like. The book can be used both as a supplement to a course in American Studies or as a separate curriculum within an academic skills course.
Communicative Skills. Part 2
Автор: Е. В. Турлова
Год издания:
В учебном пособии представлены задания и упражнения, необходимые для успешного усвоения разделов «Свободное время», «Роль музыки в нашей жизни» и «Английское образование». Учебное пособие предназначено для занятий по дисциплине «Практический курс первого иностранного языка» для обеспечения аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов очной формы обучения по направлению 035700.62 Лингвистика, профиль «Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков и культур».
Communicative Skills. Part 1
Автор: Е. В. Турлова
Год издания:
В учебном пособии представлены задания и упражнения, необходимые для успешного освоения разделов дисциплины «Искусство рисовать», «Чувства и эмоции» и «Природа и человек». Учебное пособие предназначено для занятий по дисциплине «Практический курс первого иностранного языка» для обеспечения аудиторной и самостоятельной работы для студентов очной формы обучения по направлению 035700.62 Лингвистика, профиль «Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков и культур» 3 курса в 6 семестре.
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