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La protagonista del drama, Electra, es una joven de dieciocho anos de padre desconocido, que, tras la muerte de su madre, Eleuteria, fue acogida por una tia, Evarista, y su marido, don Urbano. Electra conoce al sobrino de Evarista, Maximo y se enamora de el. Confiando sus sentimientos a don Salvador de Pantoja —"tetrico personaje"– este le 'descubre' a Electra que Maximo y ella son hijos de Eleuteria y por lo tanto hermanos, pero sin confesarle las relaciones que habia mantenido con su madre, fruto de las cuales ella podria ser su hija. La perfidia del malvado Pantoja lleva a aconsejar a Electra que se recluya en el convento donde precisamente esta enterrada su madre.

Electra Electra

Автор: Benito Perez Galdos

Год издания: 

Harley Davidson Electra Glide. МОДЕЛЬНЫЙ РЯД. Harley Davidson Electra Glide. МОДЕЛЬНЫЙ РЯД.

Автор: Олег Капкаев

Год издания: 

Harley Davidson Electra Glide – люксовый турер, в народе называемый «електричка». Первый мотоцикл в названии которого присутствовало словосочетание «Electra Glide» сошёл с конвейера в далёком 1965 году. С того момента он стал одной из культовых моделей американского мотоциклостроения в категории Touring. Автор и ведущий – мотоциклист Олег Капкаев.

Electra: Tragedia clasica griega Electra: Tragedia clasica griega

Автор: Sofocles

Год издания: 

Electra Electra

Автор: Benito Perez Galdos

Год издания: 

Electra and Other Plays Electra and Other Plays

Автор: Sophocles

Год издания: 

Only seven plays of the Ancient Greek dramatist Sophocles have survived to today. Sophocles is best known for his trilogy of dramas known as the “Three Theban Plays”, which is comprised of the plays “Oedipus Rex”, “Oedipus at Colonus”, and “Antigone”. The remaining four extant plays are collected together in this volume of “Electra and Other Plays”. First in this collection we find “Ajax”, the oldest of Sophocles plays which unfolds the destiny of the warrior Ajax after the Trojan War. Second there is “The Trachinian Maidens”, which gives an insightful account of the neglect that the wife of Hercules, Deianeira, and her family suffer as a result of her husband’s frequent and lengthy adventures. Thirdly we find the title drama, “Electra” which tells the classic tale of a young daughter’s revenge for her father’s death. Lastly in this collection there is, “Philoctetes”, which follows the life of a unique and important man through his trials and triumphs. In this volume the reader will find more evidence of why Sophocles is considered one of the greatest dramatists from classical antiquity. This edition follows the verse translations of Lewis Campbell and includes a biographical afterword.