Alex Myers is a triple-threat athlete – great at football, basketball, and baseball. But he'll have to fight for a spot on the varsity team. Alex is a quarterback, but from the first day of football practice, it's clear that that position is very much filled by the coach's son, Matt. Alex finally gets a chance to show what he can do when Matt is injured, and he helps win a key game to keep the Lions' bid for the state championship alive. But just when his star is rising, Alex gets blindsided – the state has started drug testing, and Alex's test comes back positive for steroids. Alex knows that's not right. But he doesn't know if it's a mistake – or if someone wants to make sure he can't play… Получить ссылку |
Cyber Threat!. How to Manage the Growing Risk of Cyber Attacks
Автор: MacDonnell Ulsch
Год издания:
Conquering cyber attacks requires a multi-sector, multi-modal approach Cyber Threat! How to Manage the Growing Risk of Cyber Attacks is an in-depth examination of the very real cyber security risks facing all facets of government and industry, and the various factors that must align to maintain information integrity. Written by one of the nation's most highly respected cyber risk analysts, the book describes how businesses and government agencies must protect their most valuable assets to avoid potentially catastrophic consequences. Much more than just cyber security, the necessary solutions require government and industry to work cooperatively and intelligently. This resource reveals the extent of the problem, and provides a plan to change course and better manage and protect critical information. Recent news surrounding cyber hacking operations show how intellectual property theft is now a matter of national security, as well as economic and commercial security. Consequences are far-reaching, and can have enormous effects on national economies and international relations. Aggressive cyber forces in China, Russia, Eastern Europe and elsewhere, the rise of global organized criminal networks, and inattention to vulnerabilities throughout critical infrastructures converge to represent an abundantly clear threat. Managing the threat and keeping information safe is now a top priority for global businesses and government agencies. Cyber Threat! breaks the issue down into real terms, and proposes an approach to effective defense. Topics include: The information at risk The true extent of the threat The potential consequences across sectors The multifaceted approach to defense The growing cyber threat is fundamentally changing the nation's economic, diplomatic, military, and intelligence operations, and will extend into future technological, scientific, and geopolitical influence. The only effective solution will be expansive and complex, encompassing every facet of government and industry. Cyber Threat! details the situation at hand, and provides the information that can help keep the nation safe.
Talent, Transformation, and the Triple Bottom Line. How Companies Can Leverage Human Resources to Achieve Sustainable Growth
Автор: Karl Weber
Год издания:
HR Professional's guide to creating a strategically sustainable organization Employees are central to creating sustainable organizations, yet they are left on the sidelines in most sustainability initiatives along with the HR professionals who should be helping to engage and energize them. This book shows business leaders and HR professionals how to: motivate employees to create economic, environmental and social value; facilitate necessary culture, strategic and organizational change; embed sustainability into the employee lifecycle; and strengthen existing capabilities and develop new ones necessary to support the transformation to sustainability. Talent, Transformation, and the Triple Bottom Line also demonstrates how leading companies are using sustainability to strengthen core HR functions: to win the war for talent, to motivate and empower employees, to increase productivity, and to enliven traditional HR-related efforts such as diversity, health and wellness, community involvement and volunteerism. In combination, these powerful benefits can help drive business growth, performance, and results. The book offers strategies, policies, tools and specific action steps that business leaders and HR professionals can use to get into the sustainability game or enhance their efforts dramatically Andrew Savitz is an expert in sustainability and has worked extensively with many organizations on sustainability strategy and implementation; he and Karl Weber wrote The Triple Bottom Line, one of the most successful books in the field Published in partnership with SHRM and with the cooperation of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development Forward by Edward Lawler III This book fills a gaping hole in both the HR and sustainability literature by educating HR professionals about sustainability, sustainability professionals about HR, and business leaders about how to marry the two to accelerate progress on both fronts.
Financial Contagion. The Viral Threat to the Wealth of Nations
Автор: Robert Kolb W.
Год издания:
Financial Contagion: The Viral Threat to the Wealth of Nations covers a lot of territory. It is, of course, terribly important to analyze case histories to discover potential triggers, mechanisms of transmission, and viable ways to contain the damage of financial contagion. The problem is, as these articles amply demonstrate, that there’s always a new virus or a mutation of a former one lurking in some corner of the financial world. We don’t know what it is or where it is. And, even if we had some inkling, there’s almost never enough time to develop a financial flu shot. –SeekingAlpha.com The latest insights on financial contagion and how both nations and investors can effectively deal with it. The domino-style structure in which the financial system exists is a perilous one. Although historically, the financial system has been able to deal with major shocks, the fact remains that our financial system is not as secure as it should be. Recent years have brought about too many examples of contagion and systemic risk. That is why Financial Contagion is such an important read. In it, the serious concerns that revolve around our fragile economic system are investigated, researched, and explained. Throughout the book, Kolb offers valuable insights on this dilemma as he compiles the history of financial contagion, highlights the latest research on systemic failure and interrelated markets, and analyzes the risks and consequences we face moving forward. Examines the importance of careful regulation and what must be done to stabilize the global financial system Includes contributed chapters from both academics and experienced professionals, offering a variety of perspectives and a rich interplay of ideas Details how close we are to witnessing a financial contagion that could devastate the world economy We have been harshly reminded of how fragile our economic ecosystem is. With Financial Contagion, you'll hold a better understanding of what needs to be done to strengthen our system and safeguard our financial future.
Brave New World Economy. Global Finance Threatens Our Future
Автор: Wilhelm Hankel
Год издания:
An engaging look at the road to a sustained economic recovery The global finance system can be regulated to prevent massive credit fraud, tame capitalism, confront the sovereign debt crisis, and move towards investing in the real economy and full employment. «Obamanomics», and American reinvention can lead to a sustained economic recovery but only together with major domestic, European, and global monetary reforms in cooperation with emerging nations. For decades, the U.S. dollar has served as the world's reserve currency. But after the global market meltdown and the resulting massive stimulus spending meant to keep the Great Recession from becoming an even Greater Depression, confidence in America's ability to make good on its growing debt is at all-time lows. In Brave New World Economy: Global Finance Threatens Our Future, Wilhelm Hankel and Robert Isaak—two extremely controversial, yet highly respected experts on international economics and management—describe how «Obamanomics,» the Euro crisis, and shift of economic growth from the West to emerging economies, if handled properly, can lead to true economic stability and job creation. Highlights America's 'Great Bluff' bail-out strategy to cope with the crisis and the reforms Obamanomics must make to bring about sustainable job recovery Describes the risks and rewards of borrowing from future generations—in the United States, Europe, and the developing world—to save the current generation Details how money became separated from government control and why the interbanking credit system threatens western nations with bankruptcy, undermining pensions, and the human right to work Points out why nation-states need to go back to helping themselves and not rely on the false promises of regional integration and globalization Shows how legalizing underground labor will create more jobs How we arrived at this economic crossroads isn't as important as the decision as to which path to take. The Brave New World Economy points us in the right direction.
Аtlas of Rare and Threatened Bryophytes of Eastern Europe as Candidates to New European Red List / Атлас редких и исчезающих мохообразных Восточной Европы как кандидатов в новый Европейский краснокниж
Автор: Олег Масловский
Год издания:
This book includes maps and descriptions of distribution and ecology of 376 species (336 maps) of most rare and threatened bryophytes on the territory of Eastern Europe. Mapping was made on 400 squares around 100 ? 100 km on base geographical map system – Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) with help of original computer programs. Distribution of еhe species on the territory of 6 biogeography regions and 12 subregions are showed. This atlas may be useful for preparing of new edition of European Red Book of Bryophytes, another bryological investigations and nature protection activity.
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