Brad Evans is an emerging voice in radical theory circles who will resonate with the market of public intellectuals like Slavoj Zizek—established intellectuals who command large trade readerships through popular culture.Accessible and serious, fans of the classic Guy Debord book «Society of the Spectacle» will flock to this title. Evans has a close association with Simon Critchley with whom he co-directed the 2012 film «Ten Years of Terror,» which received international acclaim and a screening at The Guggenheim in NYC. (Critchley launched the New York Times's philosophy section, «The Stone.»)Evans is the driving force behind the «Histories of Violence» website (http://historiesofviolence.com) and his co-authorship with Giroux on features for Truthout is helping build a profile in the blogsphere.Evans is a young, prolific, well-connected Brit with a very distinctive 007 look. (Seriously!)Henry Giroux's influence is growing and the readership for his political writing continues to increase as a result of his involvement with Truthout for which he regularly contributes long-form feature pieces that a amass thousands of «likes» within days of posting. His pieces migrate fast, and appear on Huffington Post, Counterpunch and TruthDig. Получить ссылку |
Pivots, Patterns, and Intraday Swing Trades. Derivatives Analysis with the E-mini and Russell Futures Contracts
Автор: M. Scheier William
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An original approach to trend discovery and trade entry Initial forays into day trading stock index futures reveal a starkly different decision environment. There is no time to dwell on technical conditions. Intraday volatility in the stock indices is far more exaggerated than the daily bar charts of other markets, partly due to the extreme leverage, partly due to the intense attention. And positioning techniques that prove reliable in the action of the long-term trends in other instruments tend to fail in the countertrend reactions of the highly leveraged S&P futures contract within the short-term. For the informed trader, tremendous opportunities in these intraday trend swings can be captured. This book will show you how. Filled with detailed technical models, this reliable resource skillfully utilizes innovative methodologies for trend discovery and trade entry in mini-stock index futures markets. It offers a fresh approach to understanding and capitalizing on market volatility, allowing you to sort out the apparent chaos of the day trading environment through codified and recognizable trade entry setups. Highlights trading techniques that are anything but mechanical scalping Explores conceptual event models and their accompanying rules Contains tools by which major intraday swing trends can be identified quickly and often at the very turning points where they begin Explains the underlying order and structure to the markets based on the repetitive nature of human behavior Engaging and informative, this reliable resource will put you in a better position to excel in today's dynamic markets.
A Complete Guide to the Futures Market. Technical Analysis, Trading Systems, Fundamental Analysis, Options, Spreads, and Trading Principles
Автор: Mark Etzkorn
Год издания:
For Amazon customers: The new version of the book, printed on higher quality paper, is now available to purchase. The essential futures market reference guide A Complete Guide to the Futures Market is the comprehensive resource for futures traders and analysts. Spanning everything from technical analysis, trading systems, and fundamental analysis to options, spreads, and practical trading principles, A Complete Guide is required reading for any trader or investor who wants to successfully navigate the futures market. Clear, concise, and to the point, this fully revised and updated second edition provides a solid foundation in futures market basics, details key analysis and forecasting techniques, explores advanced trading concepts, and illustrates the practical application of these ideas with hundreds of market examples. A Complete Guide to the Futures Market: Details different trading and analytical approaches, including chart analysis, technical indicators and trading systems, regression analysis, and fundamental market models. Separates misleading market myths from reality. Gives step-by-step instruction for developing and testing original trading ideas and systems. Illustrates a wide range of option strategies, and explains the trading implications of each. Details a wealth of practical trading guidelines and market insights from a recognized trading authority. Trading futures without a firm grasp of this market’s realities and nuances is a recipe for losing money. A Complete Guide to the Futures Market offers serious traders and investors the tools to keep themselves on the right side of the ledger.
Trend Following with Managed Futures. The Search for Crisis Alpha
Автор: Alex Greyserman
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An all-inclusive guide to trend following As more and more savvy investors move into the space, trend following has become one of the most popular investment strategies. Written for investors and investment managers, Trend Following with Managed Futures offers an insightful overview of both the basics and theoretical foundations for trend following. The book also includes in-depth coverage of more advanced technical aspects of systematic trend following. The book examines relevant topics such as: Trend following as an alternative asset class Benchmarking and factor decomposition Applications for trend following in an investment portfolio And many more By focusing on the investor perspective, Trend Following with Managed Futures is a groundbreaking and invaluable resource for anyone interested in modern systematic trend following.
Derivatives Essentials. An Introduction to Forwards, Futures, Options and Swaps
Автор: Aron Gottesman
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A clear, practical guide to working effectively with derivative securities products Derivatives Essentials is an accessible, yet detailed guide to derivative securities. With an emphasis on mechanisms over formulas, this book promotes a greater understanding of the topic in a straightforward manner, using plain-English explanations. Mathematics are included, but the focus is on comprehension and the issues that matter most to practitioners—including the rights and obligations, terms and conventions, opportunities and exposures, trading, motivation, sensitivities, pricing, and valuation of each product. Coverage includes forwards, futures, options, swaps, and related products and trading strategies, with practical examples that demonstrate each concept in action. The companion website provides Excel files that illustrate pricing, valuation, sensitivities, and strategies discussed in the book, and practice and assessment questions for each chapter allow you to reinforce your learning and gauge the depth of your understanding. Derivative securities are a complex topic with many «moving parts,» but practitioners must possess a full working knowledge of these products to use them effectively. This book promotes a truly internalized understanding rather than rote memorization or strict quantitation, with clear explanations and true-to-life examples. Understand the concepts behind derivative securities Delve into the nature, pricing, and offset of sensitivities Learn how different products are priced and valued Examine trading strategies and practical examples for each product Pricing and valuation is important, but understanding the fundamental nature of each product is critical—it gives you the power to wield them more effectively, and exploit their natural behaviors to achieve both short- and long-term market goals. Derivatives Essentials provides the clarity and practical perspective you need to master the effective use of derivative securities products.
Futures Made Simple
Автор: Larry Williams
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The essential guide to trading futures, without all the fuss This uncomplicated guide for beginners proves that you don't have to be a financial wizard to successfully trade futures . . . and you don't have to hire a financial advisor to tell you what to do either. Instead, Futures Made Simple outlines the basic strategies that even novice investors can use to make money with futures. The book lays just what you need to know—what futures are, how the exchanges work, how to analyse the markets, and how to trade futures either on- or offline. An excellent entry-level guide to futures trading Written by a successful trader with almost two decades of experience in equities, futures, options, and other vehicles Features easy-to-understand examples and bulleted summaries of key points to make learning simple For investors at any level of experience who want to move into futures trading, Futures Made Simple offers expert advice and fundamental guidance for profitable investing.
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