Jy wil asem skep en die mooi dinge raaksien. Maar soms raak die lewe dol en jy erg gestres. Bewustelikheid (mindfulness) en meditasie kan mens help om met nuwe oe na die wereld te kyk. Johannes de Villiers vertel die stories van gewone mense wat geleer het hoe om beter interpersoonlike verhoudings te he, 'n positiewe bydrae tot die wereld te maak, hul woede en stres beter te bestuur en die wonderskone in elke oomblik – ook die moeilikes – raak te sien. Dit kan ook jou storie wees. Получить ссылку |
The Languages of Smaller Populations: Risks and Possibilities. Lectures from the Tallinn Conference, 16–17 March 2012
Автор: Urmas Bereczki
Год издания:
16.–17. martsil 2012 toimus Eesti Rahvusraamatukogus rahvusvaheline ja interdistsiplinaarne konverents, mille pealkirjaks ja teemaks oli „Vaikerahvaste keelte riskid ja voimalused“. Urituse patrooniks oli Riigikogu esimees pr Ene Ergma, president Toomas Hendrik Ilves saatis kirjaliku lakituse konverentsi ja sellel osalejate tervituseks.Konverentsil osales kokku 20 teadlast 9 erinevast riigist: Eestile lisaks Groonimaalt (Taani), Walesist (Uhendkuningriik), Prantsusmaalt, Itaaliast, Ungarist, Latist, Soomest ja Venemaalt. Ettekanded tegelesid osalt vaikerahvaste keelte ellujaamisstrateegiatega, osalt aga keele ja kultuuri erinevate ilmnemisvormide ning nende omavaheliste seoste dunaamikaga, millest pika peale keelte jatkusuutlikkus paljuski oleneb.
Grace O'Malley. Machray Robert
Автор: Machray Robert
Год издания:
TouchPoints. Creating Powerful Leadership Connections in the Smallest of Moments
Автор: Mette Norgaard
Год издания:
A fresh, effective, and enduring way to lead—starting with your next interaction Most leaders feel the inevitable interruptions in their jam-packed days are troublesome. But in TouchPoints, Conant and Norgaard argue that these—and every point of contact with other people—are overlooked opportunities for leaders to increase their impact and promote their organization's strategy and values. Through previously untold stories from Conant's tenure as CEO of Campbell Soup Company and Norgaard's vast consulting experience, the authors show that a leader's impact and legacy are built through hundreds, even thousands, of interactive moments in time. The good news is that anyone can develop «TouchPoint» mastery by focusing on three essential components: head, heart, and hands. TouchPoints speaks to the theory and craft of leadership, promoting a balanced presence of rational, authentic, active, and wise leadership practices. Leadership mastery in the smallest and otherwise ordinary moments can transform aimless activity in individuals and entropy in organizations into focused energy—one magical moment at a time.
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