Tourist Mosaic of Belarus
Автор: А. И. Локотко
Год издания:
52 local districts of comprehensive historical and cultural heritage are considered. They were pointed out for the first time in scientific practice on the basis of analysis of peculiarities of natural and landscape environment, system of settlements, communications, development of settlements, traditional material and spiritual culture of all regions of the republic. The maps of local historical and cultural territories are provided. The prospective tourist routes (land, water, etc.) are proposed in the described local districts of comprehensive historical and cultural heritage on the basis of the existing natural components, preserved monuments and relics of architecture, history, national art of building, ethnography, and museums in operation. Offers and recommendations how to preserve and use the objects of historical and cultural heritage of small towns and historical rural settlements of Belarus are provided. Names of places on skeleton maps have been made in accordance with International cartographic rules and they could be different from corresponding ones in the text.
Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance. It Can't Happen to Us--Avoiding Corporate Disaster While Driving Success
Автор: Richard Steinberg M.
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An expert's insider secrets to how successful CEOs and directors shape, lead, and oversee their organizations to achieve corporate goals Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance shows senior executives and board members how to ensure that their companies incorporate the necessary processes, organization, and technology to accomplish strategic goals. Examining how and why some major companies failed while others continue to grow and prosper, author and internationally recognized expert Richard Steinberg reveals how to cultivate a culture, leadership process and infrastructure toward achieving business objectives and related growth, profit, and return goals. Explains critical factors that make compliance and ethics programs and risk management processes really work Explores the board's role in overseeing corporate strategy, risk management, CEO compensation, succession planning, crisis planning, performance measures, board composition, and shareholder communications Highlights for CEOs, senior management teams, and board members the pitfalls to avoid and what must go right for success Outlines the future of corporate governance and what's needed for continued effectiveness Written by well-known corporate governance and risk management expert Richard Steinberg Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance lays a sound foundation and provides critical insights for understanding the role of governance, risk management, and compliance and its successful implementation in today's business environment.
IT Disaster Recovery Planning For Dummies
Автор: Peter Gregory H.
Год издания:
If you have a business or a nonprofit organization, or if you’re the one responsible for information systems at such an operation, you know that disaster recovery planning is pretty vital. But it’s easy to put it off. After all, where do you start? IT Disaster Recovery Planning For Dummies shows you how to get started by creating a safety net while you work out the details of your major plan. The right plan will get your business back on track quickly, whether you're hit by a tornado or a disgruntled employee with super hacking powers. Here's how to assess the situation, develop both short-term and long-term plans, and keep your plans updated. This easy-to-understand guide will help you Prepare your systems, processes, and people for an organized response to disaster when it strikes Identify critical IT systems and develop a long-range strategy Select and train your disaster recovery team Conduct a Business Impact Analysis Determine risks to your business from natural or human-made causes Get management support Create appropriate plan documents Test your plan Some disasters get coverage on CNN, and some just create headaches for the affected organization. With IT Disaster Recovery Planning For Dummies, you’ll be prepared for anything from hackers to hurricanes!
Systems Approach to Management of Disasters. Methods and Applications
Автор: Slobodan Simonovic P.
Год издания:
The main goal of this text is to introduce the systems approach to disasters management community as an alternative approach that can provide support for interdisciplinary activities involved in the management of disasters. The systems approach draws on the fields of operations research and economics to create skills in solving complex management problems. The text is organized into four parts. Part I provides an introductory discussion of disaster management including an overview of the main terms used. Part II is devoted to the introduction of systems theory, mathematical formalization and classification of methods. The material presented in this section should be of practical relevance during the process of selecting an appropriate tool for the solution of a problem. Part III is technical in nature, providing a simulation approach and a detailed description of system dynamics simulation. This section details two areas of application: flood evacuation simulation, and disaster risk assessment. Part IV ends with a chapter covering steps to improve disaster management. Finally parts of the book can be used as a tool for specialized short courses for practitioners. For example a course on 'System analysis for emergency management optimization' could be based on Chapters 3, 4 and parts of Chapter 6. Included in the book is a CD with three computer programs Vensim PLE, LINPRO, and COMPRO. Vensim PLE (Personal Learning Edition) is state-of-the-art simulation software used for the implementation of system dynamics simulation. The other two programs are: LINPRO, a linear programming optimization tool; and COMPRO, for the implementation of the multi-objective analysis tool of compromise programming.
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