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Winner of the 2012 Helen and Stan Vine Canadian Jewish Book Award in Holocaust Literature. A survivor of concentration camps and the Death March, Eli Pfefferkorn looks back on his Holocaust and post-Holocaust experiences to compare patterns of human behavior in extremis with those of ordinary life. What he finds is that the concentration camp Muselmann, who has lost his hunger for life and is thus shunned by his fellow inmates on the soup line, bears an eerie resemblance to an office employee who has fallen from grace and whose coworkers avoid spending time with him at the water cooler. Though the circumstances are unfathomably far apart, the human response to their situations is triggered by self-preservation rather than by calculated evil. By juxtaposing these two separate worlds, Pfefferkorn demonstrates that ultimately the human condition has not changed significantly since Cain slew Abel and the Athenians sentenced Socrates.

Bijdragen tot den waterstaat der Nederlanden Bijdragen tot den waterstaat der Nederlanden

Автор: Willem Boudewijn Donker Curtius

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Bijdragen tot den waterstaat der Nederlanden : bijzonder in opzigt tot zeker ontwerp van den inspecteur-generaal J. Blanken J. Z., tot afdamming der river de merwede / door W. B. Donker Curtius».

The battle of Waterloo The battle of Waterloo

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «The battle of Waterloo : containing the accounts published by authority, British and foreign, and other relative documents, with circumstantial details, previous and after the battle, from a variety of authentic and original sources : to which is added, an alphabetical list of the officers killed and wounded, from 15-th to 26-th june, 1815, and the total loss of each regiment, with an enumeration of the Waterloo honours and privileges, conferred upon the men and officers, and lists of regiments, etc. entitled thereto : illustrated by a panoramic sketch of the field of battle, and a plan of the position and movements, with those of the Prussians, traced / by a near observer».

Waterman Waterman

Автор: Александр Староверов

Год издания: 

Александр Староверов родился в Москве, до сорока лет занимался бизнесом, потом глубоко и своеобразно осознав мысль, что слово дороже денег, начал писать. Судя по отзывам читателей его романов, писать у него получается. Счастье, считает Александр, это когда получается! Что угодно получается, но особенно – найти в себе человека. Именно это является основной темой книг А. Староверова.

The Rover Boys in Southern Waters: or, The Deserted Steam Yacht The Rover Boys in Southern Waters: or, The Deserted Steam Yacht

Автор: Stratemeyer Edward

Год издания: 

Fighting in Cuban Waters: or, Under Schley on the Brooklyn Fighting in Cuban Waters: or, Under Schley on the Brooklyn

Автор: Stratemeyer Edward

Год издания: