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Relativistic Celestial Mechanics of the Solar System
Автор: Sergei Kopeikin
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This authoritative book presents the theoretical development of gravitational physics as it applies to the dynamics of celestial bodies and the analysis of precise astronomical observations. In so doing, it fills the need for a textbook that teaches modern dynamical astronomy with a strong emphasis on the relativistic aspects of the subject produced by the curved geometry of four-dimensional spacetime. The first three chapters review the fundamental principles of celestial mechanics and of special and general relativity. This background material forms the basis for understanding relativistic reference frames, the celestial mechanics of N-body systems, and high-precision astrometry, navigation, and geodesy, which are then treated in the following five chapters. The final chapter provides an overview of the new field of applied relativity, based on recent recommendations from the International Astronomical Union. The book is suitable for teaching advanced undergraduate honors programs and graduate courses, while equally serving as a reference for professional research scientists working in relativity and dynamical astronomy. The authors bring their extensive theoretical and practical experience to the subject. Sergei Kopeikin is a professor at the University of Missouri, while Michael Efroimsky and George Kaplan work at the United States Naval Observatory, one of the world?s premier institutions for expertise in astrometry, celestial mechanics, and timekeeping.
Celestial Dynamics
Автор: Rudolf Dvorak
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Written by an internationally renowned expert author and researcher, this monograph fills the need for a book conveying the sophisticated tools needed to calculate exo-planet motion and interplanetary space flight. It is unique in considering the critical problems of dynamics and stability, making use of the software Mathematica, including supplements for practical use of the formulae. A must-have for astronomers and applied mathematicians alike.
An Angel Treasury: A Celestial Collection of Inspirations, Encounters and Heavenly Lore
Автор: Jacky Newcomb
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The ultimate guide to all things angelic from the UK's leading angel expert.Contents:This unique compendium tells you everything you ever wanted to know about angels. Acknowledged angel expert ‘The Angel Lady’ offers a wealth of facts, real-life angel stories, tips, advice, angelic inspiration and background information.This ultimate angelic guide is designed to be dipped into whenever inspiration strikes – the perfect gift for anyone wanting to know how to bring angelic wisdom and magic into their lives.From real-life stories of angel encounters to instructions on how to communicate with your own guardian angel, this book will appeal to the serious angel investigator and the new explorer alike.Includes quotes about angels from history and literature as well as information on:• The different angels you will encounter• Angel Almanac• Healing with the angels• Angel astrology• Angel names and their meanings• Hierarchy and Fallen Angels• Angels in culture• Working and communicating with angels
Adventures in Celestial Mechanics
Автор: Hans Mark
Год издания:
A fascinating introduction to the basic principles of orbital mechanics It has been three hundred years since Isaac Newton first formulated laws to explain the orbits of the Moon and the planets of our solar system. In so doing he laid the groundwork for modern science's understanding of the workings of the cosmos and helped pave the way to the age of space exploration. Adventures in Celestial Mechanics offers students an enjoyable way to become acquainted with the basic principles involved in the motions of natural and human-made bodies in space. Packed with examples in which these principles are applied to everything from a falling stone to the Sun, from space probes to galaxies, this updated and revised Second Edition is an ideal introduction to celestial mechanics for students of astronomy, physics, and aerospace engineering. Other features that helped make the first edition of this book the text of choice in colleges and universities across North America include: * Lively historical accounts of important discoveries in celestial mechanics and the men and women who made them * Superb illustrations, photographs, charts, and tables * Helpful chapter-end examples and problem sets
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