Taming Chronic Pain: A Management Guide for a More Enjoyable Life differs from all of the other books addressing this topic because it focuses specifically on pain disorders, and covers multiple topics related to this area instead of just one. Many existing books in the genre are scientific-only, or mindfulness-only, or lifestyle-only, whilst Taming Chronic Pain covers the scientific, practical, emotional and psychological aspects of pain for both the sufferer and their loved ones, short-term and longer-term, in a relatable and easy to comprehend way. Получить ссылку |
Приручаем потоки Java (Taming Java Threads)
Автор: Ален Холаб (Allen Holub)
Год издания:
В этом учебном пособии описана работа с одной из самых ценных возможностей языка Java - многопоточностью и оно знакомит читателя не только с тем, как правильно использовать потоки, но и рассматривает работу с ними во всевозможных аспектах - swing, oop, patterns и т.д.
Книга рассчитана не для начинающих программистов, а для специалистов, уже работающих в этой сфере.
Chronica Nestoris
Автор: Fr. Miklosich
Год издания:
Приведен оригинальный текст Повести временных лет и краткая характеристика его на латинском языке.
Chronicon preciosum
Автор: Группа авторов
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Chronicon preciosum : or an account of English money, the price of corn, and other commodities, for the last 600 years : in a letter to a student in the University of Oxford».
Synchronicity. The Inner Path of Leadership
Автор: Joseph Jaworski
Год издания:
We’ve all had those perfect moments when events that could never be predicted, let alone controlled, remarkably seem to guide us along our path. Carl Jung called this phenomena “synchronicity” – “a collaboration between persons and events that seems to enlist the cooperation of fate.” In this book, Joseph Jaworski argues that the right state of mind will make you the kind of person who can enlist the cooperation of fate and take advantage of synchronicity, creating the conditions for “predictable miracles.” If you are tired of being the victim of circumstances, this book will teach you to be the kind of person who creates your own circumstances. Jaworski shares the story of his own escape from an inauthentic life and his journey into a world filled with possibility. He maps out the inner path of leadership for those who feel the call to achieve their full potential, using his own life story to teach readers a greater truth. He examines the fundamental shifts of mind that free us to seek out the power of synchronicity. After reading this book, you will discover your own power to help those realities unfold. You will learn to “listen” to realities that want to emerge in this world and acquire the courage to help them be born. "Synchronicity illustrates that leadership is about the release of human possibilities, about enabling others to break free of limits – created organizationally or self-imposed. Although this book describes the author's personal journey, it contains profound messages about organizational learning and effectiveness." – Scientific American
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