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Don't Just Be Good - You Can Be Great! Optimum Drive is the complete step-by-step guide to maximizing human performance in any endeavor you choose to conquer Attaining peak performance: Optimum Drive is a motivational book that uses top level race car driving as a metaphor for peak performance. As a professional racing driver and a driving coach for over 20 years, author Paul F. Gerrard gives you his unique perspective on what causes people to stagnate with the idea of being merely good, when each of us has the potential to be great. Gerrard believes that peak performance is within our grasp. He lays out his step-by-step process for attaining peak performance with detailed nuance threaded throughout. If you have ever been curious about maximizing your own ultimate potential, Optimum Drive is for you! Mental toughness: Greatness is as hard to quantify as it is to achieve…probably not a coincidence. In this book, Optimum Drive, professional driver Gerrard helps you understand the mental toughness that it takes to reach that greatness. He starts off by taking you onto the track as he explores what driving at 200 mph can teach us about who we are. Using his experiences from behind the wheel at death-defying speeds, Gerrard breaks down the psychology of driving, what it takes, and how we can use it to achieve greatness in life. Flow psychology and staying in the zone: The key to the mental toughness that Gerrard believes it takes to achieve peak performance is the nirvana-like sensation of flow psychology or being in the zone. Flow psychology, or being in the zone, is a mental state in which one who is performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and joy. It is through flow psychology that Gerrard introduces a blend of holistic mindset combined with a competitive edge, which is essential to successful professional driving. This mix of guts, tenacity and endurance is the foundation of Gerrard’s philosophy for attaining greatness. Why you should read Optimum Drive This book is not just about learning how to drive race cars. Use it for anything. Auto Racing (by far the richest sport in the world) has invested more money evaluating human performance than any other sport. Optimum Drive is a step-by-step guide to unlock your hidden potential. Former Top Gear US Stig, Paul F. Gerrard has taught and refined his principles for over 20 years with thousands of successful students.

Delphi и Model Driven Architecture. Разработка приложений баз данных Delphi и Model Driven Architecture. Разработка приложений баз данных

Автор: Грибачев К.Г.

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Данная книга посвящена новейшей технологии разработки приложений баз данных в Delphi, основанной на концепции архитектуры, управляемой моделями (Model Driven Architecture — MDA). Читатель познакомится с идеологией MDA в целом, освоит базовые основы языка UML, познакомится с мощным и лаконичным диалектом языка OCL, благодаря которому гораздо легче и быстрее решаются задачи доступа к данным, чем при традиционной разработке с применением SQL-запросов. В книге подробно, с разбором множества конкретных примеров, описываются практические шаги по созданию MDA-приложений в Delphi Читатель на практике убедится, как быстро и просто можно создавать сложные приложения, работающие практически с любой СУБД, при этом зачастую вообще не используя SQL и в ряде случаев даже не прибегая к написанию программного кода. Книга в первую очередь адресована читателям, знакомым с традиционными подходами создания приложений баз данных в Delphi, однако она может быть полезна и всем тем, кто желает познакомиться с принципиально новой технологией создания приложений в XXI веке — MDA.

Tempest-Driven: A Romance (Vol. 1 of 3) Tempest-Driven: A Romance (Vol. 1 of 3)

Автор: Dowling Richard

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Tempest-Driven: A Romance (Vol. 2 of 3) Tempest-Driven: A Romance (Vol. 2 of 3)

Автор: Dowling Richard

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Tempest-Driven: A Romance (Vol. 3 of 3) Tempest-Driven: A Romance (Vol. 3 of 3)

Автор: Dowling Richard

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The Great Miss Driver The Great Miss Driver

Автор: Hope Anthony

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