Anne Marie’s Da, a Glaswegian painter and decorator, has always been game for a laugh. So when he first tells his family that he’s taking up meditation at the Buddhist Centre in town, no one takes him seriously. But as Jimmy becomes more involved in his search for the spiritual his beliefs start to come into conflict with the needs of his wife, Liz, and cracks begin to form in their previously happy family. With grace, humour and humility Anne Donovan’s beloved debut tells the story of one man’s search for a higher power. But in his search for meaning, Jimmy might be about to lose the thing that matters most. Получить ссылку |
Aarelinna Buddha
Автор: Hanif Kureishi
Год издания:
Ema poolt inglise ja isa poolt India paritolu Karim on Londoni aarelinnas elav teismeline, kes januneb seikluste ja seksi jarele. Rahuliku pereelu poorab pea peale isa, kellest saab aarelinna Buddha, imetlevate jungrite ebajumal. Kui Buddha uhte oma jungrisse armub, satub Karim ootamatult hoopis teistsugusesse maailma tais reeturlikke teatraale, punkrokistaare, glamuurseid pidusid ja seksuaalseid ahvatlusi.Briti kirjaniku Hanif Kureishi „Aarelinna Buddha” (1990) palvis Whitbreadi auhinna aasta parima debuutromaani eest ning joudis 1993. aastal BBC ekraanile miniseriaalina, millele loi muusika David Bowie. 1970. aastate Londonis hargnev kirev ja vaimukas „Aarelinna Buddha” on jaanud varskeks ja ootamatult ajakajaliseks ka nuud, kus jarjekordne teismeliste polvkond segases maailmas oma kohta otsib. Kaesolev valjaanne on 1996. aastal avaldatud tolke parandatud versioon. Eesti lugejatelt sooja vastuvotu leidnud Kureishi loomingust on varem ilmunud ka „Gabrieli and” (2003) ja „Midagi sulle oelda” (2009).
Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad
Автор: Paul Gwynne
Год издания:
This cool, clear-sighted comparative study has no theological axe to grind. It offers a trusty thematic guide to the figureheads of three of the largest religions in the world. The comparative approach is descriptive and even-handed, highlighting both similarities and differences across a range of major areas. The thematic chapters cover: early life, followers, the core message, political attitudes, relations with women, and death. The engaging writing and descriptive approach make this an ideal text for students, instructors and general readers.
The Life of Buddha and Its Lessons
Автор: Henry Steel Olcott
Год издания:
The Buddha Book: Buddhas, blessings, prayers, and rituals to grant you love, wisdom, and healing
Автор: Lillian Too
Год издания:
Inspired by the teachings of Lama Zopa Rinpoche, The Buddha Book introduces the reader to the most important and well-known Buddhist deities. In this beautifully illustrated volume each Buddha is presented with their major characteristics, along with the prayers, meditations, visualizations, and special rituals and blessings associated with each.Included in this edition are the Historical Buddha, Shakyamuni; the Five Dhyani Buddhas; the Purification Buddha; the Healing Buddhas; the Compassionate Buddhas; the Longevity Buddhas; the Mother Goddess; the Wealth Buddhas; and the Buddha of the Future.
The Buddha of Brewer Street
Автор: Michael Dobbs
Год издания:
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