Naast de publicatie, IPMA-C op basis van ICB 4 Courseware – herziene druk (ISBN: 978 94 018 427 1) adviseren wij bij dit materiaal gebruik te maken van het boek Projectmanagement op basis van ICB versie 4 – 4de herziene druk – IPMA B, IPMA C, IPMA-D , IPMA PMO (ISBN: 978 94 018 0381 6) De inhoud is gebaseerd op de Individual Competence Baseline version 4 (ICB4) van de International Project Management Association (IPMA) en beschrijft alle vakinhoudelijke, gedragsmatige en contextuele competenties voor de projectprofessional zoals deze zijn gespecificeerd in de examengids van IPMA Nederland. Deze 4-daagse training en halve dag examentraining is bedoeld voor projectmanagers met minimaal 3 jaar ervaring op het gebied van projectmanagement. De training richt zich op het versterken van zowel de 'harde' als 'zachte' kant van projectmanagement. Deze training leidt op tot het examen IPMA-C van IPMA CertificeringNa afloop van de training is de deelnemer in staat zelfstandig niet-complexe projecten te leiden en kan een projectmanager van beperkt complexe projecten ondersteunen. Tevens stelt de training de deelnemer in staat het IPMA-C examen met goed gevolg af te leggen. Получить ссылку |
Review. Benzene on the basis of the three-electron bond. Theory of three-electron bond in the four works with brief comments (review). 2016.
Автор: Volodymyr Bezverkhniy
Год издания:
Using the concept of three-electron bond we can represent the actual electron structure of benzene and other molecules, explain specificity of the aromatic bond and calculate the delocalization energy. The aromatic bond is a three-electron bond in flat cyclic systems with a specific interaction of electrons through the cycle. In benzene formed a new type of chemical bonds – an aromatic bond, which has a multiplicity of more than 1.5 (1.66) http://vixra.org/author/bezverkhniy_volodymyr_dmytrovych
What is time? How and on the basis of what it is formed?
Автор: Юрий Михайлович Низовцев
Год издания:
You want to learn, from where undertakes, for what and how your own "now" is formed? Read further, and to you the mystery of own life will be revealed. Still about it only guessed. Now, having come to the key, you will understand for what you live and as it is possible to change the life. No fantasy will be compared to the paradoxes of reality opened and provided here.
Microcalorimetry of Macromolecules. The Physical Basis of Biological Structures
Автор: Peter Privalov L.
Год издания:
Examining the physical basis of the structure of macromolecules—proteins, nucleic acids, and their complexes—using calorimetric techniques Many scientists working in biology are unfamiliar with the basics of thermodynamics and its role in determining molecular structures. Yet measuring the heat of structural change a molecule undergoes under various conditions yields information on the energies involved and, thus, on the physical bases of the considered structures. Microcalorimetry of Macromolecules offers protein scientists unique access to this important information. Divided into thirteen chapters, the book introduces readers to the basics of thermodynamics as it applies to calorimetry, the evolution of the calorimetric technique, as well as how calorimetric techniques are used in the thermodynamic studies of macromolecules, detailing instruments for measuring the heat effects of various processes. Also provided is general information on the structure of biological macromolecules, proteins, and nucleic acids, focusing on the key thermodynamic problems relating to their structure. The book covers: The use of supersensitive calorimetric instruments, including micro and nano-calorimeters for measuring the heat of isothermal reactions (Isothermal Titration Nano-Calorimeter), the heat capacities over a broad temperature range (Scanning Nano-Calorimeter), and pressure effects (Pressure Perturbation Nano-Calorimeter) Two of the simplest but key structural elements: the ? and polyproline helices and their complexes, the ?-helical coiled-coil, and the pyroline coiled-coils Complicated macromolecular formations, including small globular proteins, multidomain proteins and their complexes, and nucleic acids Numerous examples of measuring the ground state of protein energetics, as well as changes seen when proteins interact The book also reveals how intertwined structure and thermodynamics are in terms of a macromolecule's organization, mechanism of formation, the stabilization of its three-dimensional structure, and ultimately, its function. The first book to describe microcalorimetric technique in detail, enough for graduate students and research scientists to successfully plumb the structural mysteries of proteins and the double helix, Microcalorimetry of Macromolecules is an essential introduction to using a microcalorimeter in biological studies.
The Genetic Basis of Haematological Cancers
Автор: Группа авторов
Год издания:
Written by a team of international experts, this book provides an authoritative overview and practical guide to the molecular biology and genetic basis of haematologic cancers including leukemia. Focusing on the importance of cytogenetics and related assays, both as diagnostic tools and as a basis for translational research, this is an invaluable guide for basic and clinical researchers with an interest in medical genetics and haemato-oncology. The Genetic Basis of Haematological Cancers reviews the etiology and significance of genetic and epigenetic defects that occur in malignancies of the haematopoietic system. Some of these chromosomal and molecular aberrations are well established and already embedded in clinical management, while many others have only recently come to light as a result of advances in genomic technology and functional investigation. The book includes seven chapters written by clinical and academic leaders in the field, organised according to haematological malignancy sub-type. Each chapter includes a background on disease pathology and the genetic abnormalities most commonly associated with the condition. Authors present in-depth discussions outlining the biological significance of these lesions in pathogenesis and progression, and their use in diagnosis and monitoring response to therapy. The current or potential role of specific abnormalities as novel therapeutic targets is also discussed. There is also a full colour section containing original FISH, microarrays and immunostaining images.
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