Скачать книгу - Overcome the Challenges of Cancer Care

When a diagnosis topples your life, you can identify those factors you can control in order to pursue the best care possible. This work shows you how. In the United States cancer is overtaking heart disease as the leading cause of death. Although a devastatingly common disease, the average person in the US has minimal practical or scientific knowledge about cancer and its treatment. And fewer still are aware of the pitfalls and obstacles inherent in cancer care. Here, Stephen Rosenberg, MD, offers an accessible guide to the disease and the challenges of receiving the best care possible. He guides readers and their loved ones through the process of receiving the diagnosis and laying out a plan moving forward regardless of cancer diagnosis. He identifies the most common pitfalls on the treatment path and helps readers avoid them while they seek the best care possible. Receiving a cancer diagnosis is already devastating. Navigating the confusing waters of treatment should not be. Offering insight into handling emotions, incorporating complementary care, important lifestyle choices, and how to overcome the most common mistakes made in cancer care, this work offers a light in the dark.

Human Capital. Challenges for Russia Human Capital. Challenges for Russia

Автор: В. А. Мау

Год издания: 

Education, healthcare and pension system are the key sources of modern economic growth. They stand in need of a profound transformation if they are to meet post-industrial challenges. The new principles of transformation of these sectors include individualization of services, their privatization (an increased role for private spending), life-long demand for these services, globalization (international competition) and the development of radically new technologies.

Cancer. Zodiac Cancer. Zodiac

Автор: Angel Wight

Год издания: 

This book tell about the 4th sign of Zodiac. Cancerians are mysterious, sensitive, cautious, sympathetic, vulnerable, tender. We invite you join to our Russian – British project and tell about yourself: vk.com/spiritschool

Horoscope for Cancers – 2018. Russian horoscope Horoscope for Cancers – 2018. Russian horoscope

Автор: Александр Невзоров

Год издания: 

Horoscopes for each Zodiac sign separately for 2018. Submitted by 7 Topics: Luck, Career, Vacation, Health, Sex, Love and Money. The stars predict that they expect signs in these areas and give advice. Sometimes paradoxical, but always correct based on the real situation. Horoscopes in verse for all signs of the zodiac are published by Alexander Nevzorov annually. Their readership is constantly expanding. Verses of horoscopes of excellent quality and like all.

Horoscopo para los canceres para 2018. Horoscopo ruso Horoscopo para los canceres para 2018. Horoscopo ruso

Автор: Александр Невзоров

Год издания: 

Horoscopos para cada signo del zodiaco por separado para 2018. Enviado por 7 Temas: Suerte, Carrera, Vacaciones, Salud, Sexo, Amor y dinero. Las estrellas predicen que esperan senales en estas areas y dan consejos. A veces paradojica, pero siempre correcta en funcion de la situacion real. Horoscopos en verso para todos los signos del zodiaco son publicados por Alexander Nevzorov anualmente. Sus lectores estan en constante expansion. Versos de horoscopos de excelente calidad y como todos.

Horoscope pour les cancers pour 2018. Horoscope russe Horoscope pour les cancers pour 2018. Horoscope russe

Автор: Александр Невзоров

Год издания: 

Horoscopes pour chaque signe du zodiaque separement pour 2018. Soumis par 7 Sujets: Chance, Carriere, Vacances, Sante, Sexe, Amour et Argent. Les etoiles predisent qu’elles attendent des panneaux dans ces domaines et donnent des conseils. Parfois paradoxal, mais toujours correct en fonction de la situation actuelle. Les horoscopes en vers pour tous les signes du zodiaque sont publies chaque annee par Alexander Nevzorov. Leurs lectorats se developpent constamment.