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Интерпретация британского романа / Understanding British Novels Интерпретация британского романа / Understanding British Novels

Автор: А. А. Гольдман

Год издания: 

Robin Redbreast: A Story for Girls Robin Redbreast: A Story for Girls

Автор: Molesworth Mrs.

Год издания: 

The Golden-Breasted Kootoo The Golden-Breasted Kootoo

Автор: Laura Richards

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Understanding English as a Lingua Franca Understanding English as a Lingua Franca

Автор: Barbara Seidlhofer

Год издания: 

A complete introduction to the theoretical nature and practical implications of English used as a lingua franca. Explore the theories and principles of English as a Lingua Franca with leading expert Barbara Seidlhofer

Test 1 to reveal your compatibility and mutual understanding in love, temperament, marriage and family life Test 1 to reveal your compatibility and mutual understanding in love, temperament, marriage and family life

Автор: Leon Angel

Год издания: 

If you want to know yourself and your partner better then complete the test! If you don’t want to be disappointed in your future family life then complete the test! If you don’t want to waste your life on unproductive relationship then complete the test! If you want to become healthy, rich and wise then complete the test! God loves us all!