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Mistake of Gods. Warning against experiments with human genome Mistake of Gods. Warning against experiments with human genome

Автор: Valeriy Zhiglov

Год издания: 

This is a science education book that discloses the age and the origins of the human civilization. It reveals the most mysterious and the most unknowable – aliens, visiting the ancient Earth, and their amazing genetic experiments, which they carried out here. Based on multiple evidences, the author describes the significant difference between Celestials and ordinary Earth humans in every detail, and possible reasons to have the humans destroyed with the Flood are also listed.

Dictionary of DNA and Genome Technology Dictionary of DNA and Genome Technology

Автор: Paul Singleton

Год издания: 

DNA technology has a vital role in diverse fields such as criminal investigation and gene therapy – dynamic areas involving many specialised terms and techniques. This unique dictionary offers current, detailed, accessible information to lecturers, researchers, students and technicians throughout the biomedical and related sciences. The new edition represents a major update with 50% more entries on the very latest developments. Clear explanations of terms, techniques, and tests, including commercial systems, with detailed coverage of many important procedures and methods. Includes well-established methodology plus new technology and data from the latest research journals, going well beyond the remit of most science dictionaries. Essay-style entries on many major topics to assist newcomers to the field. Covers topics relevant to medicine (diagnosis and gene therapy); veterinary science; biotechnology; biochemistry; pharmaceutical science/drug development; molecular biology; microbiology; epidemiology; genomics; environmental science; plant science/agriculture; taxonomy; and forensic science.

Plant Transposons and Genome Dynamics in Evolution Plant Transposons and Genome Dynamics in Evolution

Автор: Nina Fedoroff V.

Год издания: 

The transposable genetic elements, or transposons, as they are now known, have had a tumultuous history. Discovered in the mid-20th century by Barbara McClintock, they were initially received with puzzlement. When their genomic abundance began to be apparent, they were categorized as «junk DNA» and acquired the label of parasites. Expanding understanding of gene and genome organization has revealed the profound extent of their impact on both. Plant Transposons and Genome Dynamics in Evolution captures and distills the voluminous research literature on plant transposable elements and seeks to assemble the big picture of how transposons shape gene structure and regulation, as well as how they sculpt genomes in evolution. Individual chapters provide concise overviews of the many flavors of plant transposons and of their roles in gene creation, gene regulation, development, genome evolution, and organismal speciation, as well as of their epigenetic regulation. This volume is essential reading for anyone working in plant genetics, epigenetics, or evolutionary biology.

Genome Organization And Function In The Cell Nucleus Genome Organization And Function In The Cell Nucleus

Автор: Karsten Rippe

Год издания: 

By way of its clear and logical structure, as well as abundant highresolution illustrations, this is a systematic survey of the players and pathways that control genome function in the mammalian cell nucleus. As such, this handbook and reference ties together recently gained knowledge from a variety of scientific disciplines and approaches, dissecting all major genomic events: transcription, replication, repair, recombination and chromosome segregation. A special emphasis is put on transcriptional control, including genome-wide interactions and non-coding RNAs, chromatin structure, epigenetics and nuclear organization. With its focus on fundamental mechanisms and the associated biomolecules, this will remain essential reading for years to come.

From Genes to Genomes From Genes to Genomes

Автор: Jeremy W. Dale

Год издания: 

The latest edition of this highly successful textbook introduces the key techniques and concepts involved in cloning genes and in studying their expression and variation. The new edition features: Increased coverage of whole-genome sequencing technologies and enhanced treatment of bioinformatics. Clear, two-colour diagrams throughout. A dedicated website including all figures. Noted for its outstanding balance between clarity of coverage and level of detail, this book provides an excellent introduction to the fast moving world of molecular genetics.