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Свобода мысли limited. Сборник рассказов
Автор: Александр Литвиненко
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Свобода мысли без ограничений, что может быть естественнее? Но если вдруг тотальный контроль доберется до наших мыслей, желаний и чувств. Как сможем мы понять, что хорошо, что плохо? Как отличим правду от лжи, а вымысел от реальности? Сможем ли мы остаться при этом людьми мыслящими, а не просто разумными? Не покинут ли нас желания вместе с нашими мечтами и надеждами? Удастся ли нам сохранить те чувства, которые делают нас счастливыми, и не потеряем ли мы способность любить и быть любимыми?
Limited Liability Companies For Dummies
Автор: Jennifer Reuting
Год издания:
Become a savvy entrepreneur with your own LLC Limited Liability Companies For Dummies, 3rd Edition offers a clear, concise guide that explains the pros and cons of LLCs, and shares insider tips on everything from choosing your members and your company name to creating and filing your Articles of Organization and managing day-to-day operations. You'll find the most current, real-world advice on customizing an LLC for your specific business needs, creating a great operating agreement,, keeping accurate records, and new information on federal regulations and fees that are applicable to LLCs, as well as a link to online tools, forms, and documents Most of the previous drawbacks to forming an LLC have all but disappeared with the IRS having loosened restrictions and individual states following suit. Because LLCs are now more flexible, they remain an attractive option for those launching a new business or reorganizing an existing business. This book shows how to form and tap into the power of an LLC: Keep up on the latest information on federal taxes, regulations, and fees Discover the advances in technology, including online tools that streamline the processes Get up-to-the minute documents and forms on new filing requirements Learn how to set-up a real estate LLC or an LLC among family members This hands-on guide addresses everything you need to know about LLCs, and will help you organize, launch, and run your business as a limited liability company just like the experts do!
Mastering Illiquidity. Risk management for portfolios of limited partnership funds
Автор: Thomas Meyer
Год издания:
Arms investors with powerful new tools for measuring and managing the risks associated with the various illiquid asset classes With risk-free interest rates and risk premiums at record lows, many investors are turning to illiquid assets, such as real estate, private equity, infrastructure and timber, in search of superior returns and greater portfolio diversity. But as many analysts, investors and wealth managers are discovering, such investments bring with them a unique set of risks that cannot be measured by standard asset allocation models. Written by a dream team of globally renowned experts in the field, this book provides a clear, accessible overview of illiquid fund investments, focusing on what the main risks of these asset classes are and how to measure those risks in today's regulatory environment. Provides solutions for institutional investors in need of guidance in today's regulatory environment Offers detailed descriptions of risk measurement in illiquid asset classes, illustrated with real life case studies Helps you to develop reliable risk management tools while complying with the regulations designed to contain the individual and systemic risks arising from illiquid investments Features real-life case studies that capture an array of risk management scenarios you are likely to encounter
Jimmy Stewart Is Dead. Ending the World's Ongoing Financial Plague with Limited Purpose Banking
Автор: Laurence Kotlikoff J.
Год издания:
Discover how the global financial plague is poised to return, and what can be done to stop it This is not your father's financial system. Jimmy Stewart, the trustworthy, honest banker in the movie, It's a Wonderful Life, is dead. And so is his small-town bank, Bailey Savings & Loan. Instead, we're watching It's a Horrible Mess with Wall Street (aka the Vegas Strip) playing ever larger craps with our economy and our tax dollars. This book, written by one of the world's most respected economist, describes in lively, humorous, simple, but also deadly serious terms the big con underlying the big game?the web of interconnected financial, political, and regulatory malfeasance that culminated in financial meltdown and brought us to our economic knees. But it also proposes an amazingly simply solution?Limited Purpose Banking to make Wall Street safe for Main Street. This book, as well as the financial fix described within it, have received rave reviews from a veritable who's who of policymakers and economics, plus five economics Nobel Laureates Written by a leading economist whose insights on this topic are unparalleled Outlines the first and only proposal to fundamentally fix our financial disaster for good Jimmy Stewart Is Dead will fundamentally change the way you think about the economy, financial markets, and the government.
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