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The distress'd wife The distress'd wife

Автор: John Gay

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «The distress'd wife : A comedy / By the late Mr. Gay, author of the Beggar's opera».

Developing Strategies in Reading Comprehension / Английский язык. Стратегии понимания текста. Часть 1 Developing Strategies in Reading Comprehension / Английский язык. Стратегии понимания текста. Часть 1

Автор: Е. Б. Карневская

Год издания: 

Developing Strategies in Reading Comprehension / Английский язык. Стратегии понимания текста. Часть 2 Developing Strategies in Reading Comprehension / Английский язык. Стратегии понимания текста. Часть 2

Автор: Е. Б. Карневская

Год издания: 

Captive mistress. English-language novels Captive mistress. English-language novels

Автор: Элайн Нексли

Год издания: 

France, XVII century. Young Arabella, not knowing that such wealth and luxury, gets an invitation to the ball. Drugged to flatter the monarch, an innocent girl not notice that he is in the Royal bed. But the fee for the title mistress of the king is too high. The girl will have to visit the intoxicating harem of the East, the flight to sit down on the bed of a hated Sultan, to appear before himself with the Sacred court. And this is only the beginning of a difficult road leading to true love.

Stress Relief. How to Manage Stress in Everyday Life, Prevent Depression and Improve Mental Health Stress Relief. How to Manage Stress in Everyday Life, Prevent Depression and Improve Mental Health

Автор: Egor Kuzmin

Год издания: 

Almost daily we hear people use the word stress, so it seems that almost everyone knows what this phenomenon represents and how to recognize it, not not how to prevent or mitigate its harmful consequences. Stress is a set of emotional, physical, physiological and behavioral responses that occur when an event is thought to be hazardous or disturbing, and beyond our capacity to cope with. Of course, we should not forget that stress is essentially a very positive part of human nature.