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Mens Health Mens Health

Автор: колектив авторов

Год издания: 

Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering

Автор: Giorgio Rizzoni

Год издания: 

Rizzoni is designed for the sophomore/junior level, Introduction to Electrical Engineering course required for non-EE majors. The most widely used book for this course, Rizzoni introduces non-majors to the three basic areas of electrical engineering: circuits, electronics, and electromechanics. The second edition continues the tradition of focusing on the topics and issues of interest to the non-electrical engineering student. To maintain student interest in these topics, Rizzoni provides numerous links between electrical engineering and other engineering fields.

Men's Health №5 (май 2009) Men's Health №5 (май 2009)


Год издания: 

Men's Health №10 (октябрь 2009 / Россия) Men's Health №10 (октябрь 2009 / Россия)

Автор: Коллектив авторов

Год издания: 

Men's Health №11 (ноябрь 2009/Россия) Men's Health №11 (ноябрь 2009/Россия)

Автор: Коллектив авторов

Год издания: