Reveals America’s long history of making both naturalized immigrants and native-born citizens un-American after stripping away their citizenship [b][/b]Expatriation, or the stripping away citizenship and all the rights that come with it, is usually associated with despotic and totalitarian regimes. The imagery of mass expulsion of once integral members of the community is associated with civil wars, ethnic cleansing, the Holocaust, or other oppressive historical events. Yet these practices are not just a product of undemocratic events or extreme situations, but are standard clauses within the legal systems of most democratic states, including the United States. Witness, for example, Yaser Esam Hamdi, captured in Afghanistan in November 2001, sent to Guantánamo, transferred to a naval brig in South Carolina when it was revealed that he was a U.S. citizen, and held there without trial until 2004, when the Justice Department released Hamdi to Saudi Arabia without charge on the condition that he renounce his U.S. citizenship. Hamdi’s story may be the best known expatriation story in recent memory, but in Revoking Citizenship, Ben Herzog reveals America’s long history of making both naturalized immigrants and native-born citizens un-American after their citizenship was stripped away. Tracing this history from the early republic through the Cold War, Herzog locates the sociological, political, legal, and historic meanings of revoking citizenship. Why, when, and with what justification do states take away citizenship from their subjects? Should loyalty be judged according to birthplace or actions? Using the history and policies of revoking citizenship as a lens, Revoking Citizenship examines, describes, and analyzes the complex relationships between citizenship, immigration, and national identity. Reveals America’s long history of making both naturalized immigrants and native-born citizens un-American after stripping away their citizenship [b][/b]Expatriation, or the stripping away citizenship and all the rights that come with it, is usually associated with despotic and totalitarian regimes. The imagery of mass expulsion of once integral members of the community is associated with civil wars, ethnic cleansing, the Holocaust, or other oppressive historical events. Yet these practices are not just a product of undemocratic events or extreme situations, but are standard clauses within the legal systems of most democratic states, including the United States. Witness, for example, Yaser Esam Hamdi, captured in Afghanistan in November 2001, sent to Guantánamo, transferred to a naval brig in South Carolina when it was revealed that he was a U.S. citizen, and held there without trial until 2004, when the Justice Department released Hamdi to Saudi Arabia without charge on the condition that he renounce his U.S. citizenship. Hamdi’s story may be the best known expatriation story in recent memory, but in Revoking Citizenship, Ben Herzog reveals America’s long history of making both naturalized immigrants and native-born citizens un-American after their citizenship was stripped away. Tracing this history from the early republic through the Cold War, Herzog locates the sociological, political, legal, and historic meanings of revoking citizenship. Why, when, and with what justification do states take away citizenship from their subjects? Should loyalty be judged according to birthplace or actions? Using the history and policies of revoking citizenship as a lens, Revoking Citizenship examines, describes, and analyzes the complex relationships between citizenship, immigration, and national identity. Получить ссылку |
The British Citizenship Test For Dummies
Автор: Julian Knight
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Includes chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 from the Home Office’s Life in the United Kingdom book. This fully updated edition of The British Citizenship Test For Dummies covers all the most up to date information that you need to know to pass the latest UK Government’s Life in the UK test – valid for tests taken after April 2007. With an in-depth coverage of the nation’s history, culture, customs and educational, political and social institutions, and over 300 questions to practice on, this is the perfect helping hand on your way to becoming a British citizen. The British Citizenship Test For Dummies 2nd Edition covers: Part I: Deciding to Stay in the UK. Part II: Getting to Know the Immigration and Citizenship Players. Part III: Taking Care of Immigration and Citizenship Paperwork. Part IV: Taking the Citizenship Test. Part V: Troubleshooting Your Application. Part VI: Reaping the Rewards of Citizenship. Part VII: Ten Helpful For Dummies Books. Appendix A: Revision Material for the Life in the UK Test. Appendix B: Sample Questions and Answers for the Life in the UK Test. Index
Take Action!. A Guide to Active Citizenship
Автор: Marc Kielburger
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* Raise awareness * Start a club * Use the media * Make a difference * Get involved * Choose an issue * Build a team * Have fun! Make a difference in your hometown and around the world! Inspired by the vision, spirit, and activities of thousands of kids working to improve the lives of others, Take Action! shows how you, too, can change the world. Authors Marc Kielburger and Craig Kielburger are the founders of Leaders Today, an organization dedicated to helping young people realize their fullest potential and become socially involved. Their remarkable work has been profiled on Oprah and on many national news shows, as well as in magazines and newspapers across the U.S. and Canada. Now, with Take Action!, they provide easy-to-follow guidelines for making a difference in the lives of people all over the globe. By following the valuable tips, strategies, and examples in this book, you'll get organized and start tackling important issues in your community, your school, your country, and around the world. From writing letters and public speaking to planning fundraisers, preparing petitions, and working with the media, Take Action! covers all the basics of how to become socially involved-and have fun at the same time! You'll discover how you and your friends can join the fight for children's rights, get involved in environmental issues, help those suffering from hunger and poverty, and much more. You'll also meet other extraordinary young people like yourself who turned their thoughts and passion into action and have made a tremendous impact on these issues. There are no limits to what you can accomplish. You can be a leader and help others today-all you have to do is Take Action!
Citizenship and National Identity
Автор: Группа авторов
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A good political community is one whose citizens are actively engaged in deciding their common future together. Bound together by ties of national solidarity, they discover and implement principles of justice that all can share, and in doing so they respect the separate identities of minority groups within the community. In the essays collected in this book, David Miller shows that such an ideal is not only desirable, but feasible. He explains how active citizenship on the republican model differs from liberal citizenship, and why it serves disadvantaged groups better than currently fashionable forms of identity politics. By deliberating freely with one another, citizens can reach decisions on matters of public policy that are both rational and fair. He couples this with a robust defence of the principle of nationality, arguing that a shared national identity is necessary to motivate citizens to work together in the name of justice. Attempts to create transnational forms of citizenship, in Europe and elsewhere, are therefore misguided. He shows that the principle of nationality can accommodate the demands of minority nations, and does not lead to a secessionist free-for-all. And finally he demonstrates that national self-determination need not be achieved at the expense of global justice. This is a powerful statement from a leading political theorist that not only extends our understanding of citizenship, nationality and deliberative democracy, but engages with current political debates about identity politics, minority nationalisms and European integration.
From Slavery to Citizenship
Автор: Группа авторов
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Citizenship is not a spectator sport; it is all about engagement. From Slavery to Citizenship is part of a bigger picture – a development process which will enable us to gain more control over our own lives and to participate in decisions about the future direction of society and the organisations we are involved in. This book is unusual in suggesting that slavery is not a remote historical phenomenon, but a fundamental component of our present. People have been slaves in the past and some people are enslaved today. The subject of slavery is highly charged with emotion. From Slavery to Citizenship seeks to facilitate dialogue and to bridge gaps. This is not easy as people have been speaking different languages and working from diverse sets of assumptions. A first step is to listen and to learn from differences. In this book, a single author's voice brings together contributions from major public figures and respected thinkers. Within a rich tapestry of perspectives, there is no single line of argument, or one overall conclusion. There are contributions from Africa, North and South America, Western and Eastern Europe and Asia, and from discourses in work organisation, occupational health, psychiatry and human rights, as well as education. After reading the book, you are unlikely to conclude that all of the contributors have agreed, but you will find that they give you a starting point from which to reflect and begin discussion, as well as the tools to engage in active citizenship.
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