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In The Golden Grasshopper, ten-year-old Lisa’s and her cousin Paul’s lives were changed forever when they met Gagar, from the planet Ylepithon. In Galena’s Gift, Gagar returns with his precocious young daughter, asking Lisa, now a twelve-year-old grade sixer, to babysit her and teach her about life on Earth. How will Lisa and Paul accomplish this without arousing the suspicion of their fellow earthlings? Using her remarkable abilities, Galena is able to save a young alpaca close to Lisa’s heart from a serious medical emergency. In return, Lisa unwittingly teaches Galena not only about life on earth, but about the most precious human emotion of all – love.

Swiadomosc, wolna wola, jazn. Metafizyka Galena Strawsona Swiadomosc, wolna wola, jazn. Metafizyka Galena Strawsona

Автор: Jacek Jarocki

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