Langston Hughes, one of America's greatest writers, was an innovator of jazz poetry and a leader of the Harlem Renaissance whose poems and plays resonate widely today. Accessible, personal, and inspirational, Hughes’s poems portray the African American community in struggle in the context of a turbulent modern United States and a rising black freedom movement. This indispensable volume of letters between Hughes and four leftist confidants sheds vivid light on his life and politics.<BR /><BR /><I>Letters from Langston</I> begins in 1930 and ends shortly before his death in 1967, providing a window into a unique, self-created world where Hughes lived at ease. This distinctive volume collects the stories of Hughes and his friends in an era of uncertainty and reveals their visions of an idealized world—one without hunger, war, racism, and class oppression. Получить ссылку |
Complete Letters of Mark Twain
Автор: Марк Твен
Год издания:
The letters of Mark Twain are peculiarly of the revealing sort. He was a man of few restraints and of no affectations. In his correspondence, as in his talk, he spoke what was in his mind, untrammeled by literary conventions.
Models of letters for the use of schools and private students
Автор: Группа авторов
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Models of letters : for the use od schools and private students : being an epitome of the large 8 volume, entitled, Elegant epistles : and containig Select letters from the best English authors : with many translated from the French, which have never appeared in any miscellaneous collection».
Unpublished letters of the eighteenth century
Автор: Группа авторов
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Unpublished letters of the eighteenth century : illustrative of the Herbert family ; and of the latter part of king William's and the earlier part of queen Anne's reigns : with notes / edited by Rebecca Warner».
Letters from the late Rev. William Romaine
Автор: William Romaine
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Letters from the late Rev. William Romaine, A.M. tо a friend, on the most important subjects : during a correspondence of 20 years / published from the original manuscripts, by Thomas Wills, A.B.».
The letters of Junius. vol. 1
Автор: John Wade
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Junius : Vol. 1 : including letters by the same writer under other signatures : to which are added his confidential correspondence with Mr. Wilkes, and his private letters to Mr. H.S. Woodfall : containing the entier work as originally published, with illustrative notes / by John Wade ; with new evidence as to the authorship, and an analysis by the late Sir Harris Nicolas, G.C.M.G.».
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