Скачать книгу - Offer Yourselves to God

Renowned New Testament scholar Gordon Fee explores the meaning of Christian witness and service in every area of life. Focusing on the implications of every Christian's calling to belong to Christ, Fee reframes our contemporary quest for a more seamless, integrated faith. His careful examination of the context and message of Paul's letters sheds light on how a Christian identity is lived out in home, workplace, and church.

Affection's offering Affection's offering

Автор: Группа авторов

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Полный вариант заголовка: «Affection's offering : a book for all seasons, but especially designed as a Christmas and New year's gift, or birthday present».

Best offer. A.M. Best offer. A.M.

Автор: Михаил Чернов

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Мистически отобразившееся в моей жизни течение событий, после которых все стало малость иначе. Есть важное «но»: ты не поверишь и в половину, ведь судишь по себе.

Geoffery Gambado Geoffery Gambado

Автор: Cobbold Richard

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Bethink Yourselves! Bethink Yourselves!

Автор: Лев Толстой

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Vocalises pour une voix rev par Ad. Wallnoffer Vocalises pour une voix rev par Ad. Wallnoffer

Автор: Луиджи Лаблаш

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