Jy’t vandag – niksvermoedend verby minstens een psigopaat geloop. Hy’t moontlik saam met jou in die hysbak geklim. En vanaand wag daar dalk ’n narsis of ’n sadis op jou. By die huis. Wie is hierdie ongure, gevaarlike mense? Wat gaan in hul koppe aan? En waar is hulle? Tussen ons … Die skrywer Andre le Roux het uitgebreide navorsing oor die wolwe in skaapsklere gedoen. Met die jongste inligting en talle gevallestudies – van Daisy de Melker tot Oscar Pistorius – maak hy hulle werklik en uitkenbaar. Sodat jy hulle kan verstaan, hanteer of vermy – en jouself beskerm. Получить ссылку |
Автор: Jean Ritchie
Год издания:
SOMEWHERE, SOMEONE IS WATCHING, WAITING …What is it like to suffer the attentions of an obsessive fan, to be haunted by the menace of a stalker? What changes devotion into something far more sinister and how do the stars cope with the pressure?And what about the not-so-famous, the ordinary people who suddenly find themselves living in fear, stalked by a shadowy presence that is all too real?Ancell Marshall’s wife was killed by a stalker – a murder he stood trial for. Theresa Saldana will never escape the memory of the moment her stalker attacked her and nearly stabbed her to death. Vicky Caldwell had a nervous breakdown, while Lauren Barnes was eventually driven to retaliation. These and many other case histories are compelling reading.Jean Ritchie talks to the victims and their families, the counsellors, the therapists, the security experts – and the stalkers themselves – in this detailed, fascinating, sometimes chilling account of a growing and frightening phenomenon.
Автор: Paul Finch
Год издания:
Get #HookedonHeck with the first book in the #1 bestselling DS Mark Heckenburg series."All he had to do was name the woman he wanted. It was that easy. They would do all the hard work."Detective Sergeant Mark 'Heck' Heckenburg is investigating the disappearance of 38 different women. Each one was happy and successful until they vanished without a trace.Desperate to find her missing sister, Lauren Wraxford seeks out Heck’s help. Together they enter a seedy underworld of gangsters and organised crime.But when they hear rumours about the so-called 'Nice Guys Club' they hit a brick wall. They're the gang that no one will talk about. Because the Nice Guys can arrange anything you want. Provided you pay the price…Dark, terrifying and unforgettable. Stalkers will keep fans of Stuart MacBride and Katia Lief looking over their shoulder.
Meg: Nightstalkers
Автор: Steve Alten
Год издания:
Im Visier des Stalkers
Автор: Helen Vreeswijk
Год издания:
Real Vampires, Night Stalkers and Creatures from the Darkside
Автор: Brad Steiger
Год издания:
A chilling chronicle of the often ignored history of vampirism as it has surfaced repeatedly in news articles, historical accounts, and first person interviews, this shocking account of occultist rituals and the inhuman forces that influence them shines a light on the horrifying truth. Revealing that real vampires are not immortal, do not have fangs or sleep in coffins, and have no fear of sunlight or crucifixes, the examination dispels many myths but also confirms the truth behind several traits of real vampires, such as the insatiable thirst for blood and the dream of an eternal soul. Complete with 30 spinetingling tales of the hideous wraiths and creatures that lurk in shadow, this fascinating collection includes the stories of the Mexican prostitute who mesmerized an entire village, convincing them she was an Incan goddess who required human sacrifice for her magic; the three teenagers who left a trail across the South as they conducted blooddrinking rituals with animals; and the mysterious Lady in Black who draws psychic energy from men who dare approach her as she wanders through city streets and parks.
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