Young people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) can often find the step into adulthood and independence more difficult than their neurotypical peers, particularly where employment is concerned. The authors show, however, that with the right guidance and a positive attitude in schools, young people with ASDs can be every bit as happy and successful as those who are not on the spectrum. The book describes a programme developed over a number of years by teachers at a school for young people with ASDs, which successfully enabled autistic pupils to achieve their full potential. The authors explain in detail the challenges faced by the young people at the school, and show how, encouraged by a culture of optimism and hopefulness, the programme developed their confidence and skills, with the result that many of them are now in employment. The book also provides an in-depth exploration of a multitude of styles and techniques for building relationships. Concluding with a reflection on leadership and organisational culture, the authors demonstrate that if the approach is adopted by an entire school and not just a handful of teachers, it really can work. This inspiring and innovative book will be a must for educators at every level, psychologists, academics, and anybody else interested in a positive educational approach that will enable young people with ASDs to get the most out of life. Получить ссылку |
Social Capital and Strategy Effectiveness: An Empirical Study of Entrepreneurial Ventures in a Transition Economy
Автор: I. Manev
Год издания:
Although new ventures’ competitive positioning and their founders’ social networks are both recognized as important in the context of transition economies, not much is known about their multiplicative effect on performance. We build on the strategic management literature and social network theory to develop theoretical predictions about the role of competitive strategies and social capital for entrepreneurial performance. These are tested with survey data from Bulgaria. We find that both the venture’s competitive strategic positioning and the founder’s networking positively influence performance. The hypothesized moderating effect of networking for the relationship between differentiation strategy and performance received only tentative support. Contrary to expectations, we find a negative moderating effect of networking for the relationship of cost leadership with performance. These results suggest that the entrepreneur’s network plays a role in shaping how strategies influence performance by possibly upholding differentiation and deemphasizing cost leadership strategy. Implications for managerial practice and public policy are discussed.
The Transition of Juan Romero
Автор: Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
Год издания:
The story involves a mine that uncovers a very deep chasm, too deep for any sounding lines to hit bottom. The night after the discovery of the abyss the narrator and one of the mine's workers, Juan Romero, venture inside the mine, drawn against their will by a mysterious rhythmical throbbing in the ground.
Becoming A Top Manager. Tools and Lessons in Transitioning to General Management
Автор: Kevin Kaiser
Год издания:
Make the move up to senior management with lessons from world-renowned business school experts Based on themes from INSEAD's popular Transition to General Management programme, authors Kevin Kaiser, Michael Pich, and I.J. Schecter offer sound advice and practical insights for those looking to move to senior general management roles. By following the stories of three managers making the transition to general management, Becoming A Top Manager highlights not only the most crucial aspects of becoming a successful general manager, but also the necessary mindset changes required—both on a personal and professional level—that will ultimately translate into ongoing success. Provides practical insights, clarity and confidence for those looking to move into senior general management roles Written by a well-known and experienced international author team Outlines key skills and executive tools needed for the transition Online resources also available at www.wiley.com/go/topmanager
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