Students with Asperger's Syndrome (AS) frequently find the school environment challenging, despite often having a high level of academic ability, because their unique social and sensory difficulties are not fully understood or accommodated. This book clearly explains proven and practical approaches in education and care that will enable young people with AS in primary and secondary education to thrive. The author uses anecdotes from his extensive teaching experience to illustrate potential problem areas and put forward solutions. There are useful strategies for dealing with issues relating to anxiety, communication, social rules, relationships and classroom behaviour. Accounts from parents and young people with AS who have benefited from the approaches described in the book are also included. This book is a comprehensive and accessible resource for teachers, carers and professionals working with young people with AS, equipping them with the insight to help AS pupils succeed, not only in school, but in the wider world. Parents will also find it useful. Получить ссылку |
The Everything Store. Джефф Безос и эра Amazon
Автор: Брэд Стоун
Год издания:
Эта книга – история успеха и расследование одновременно. Рассказ о том, как, пережив крах пузыря доткомов, Amazon сумел обойти конкурентов и начать свою беспрецедентную экспансию по странам и отраслям. Расследование того, как устроена одна из самых необычных на сегодняшний день компаний планеты, которой принадлежат не только самый известный интернет-магазин, но и фирмы робототехники, облачных технологий, космические проекты и СМИ. Джефф Безос – выдающийся бизнесмен, блестящий аналитический ум и жесткий организатор. Перед вами первая и весьма подробная биография этого неутомимого лидера и генератора идей, не признающего в бизнесе границ, традиций и стереотипов. Вы узнаете, чем живет Amazon сегодня и каковы его планы на ближайший, ХХI век, ведь «магазин всего» – далеко не окончательная ипостась компании Безоса. Какой она будет через несколько лет, предсказать невозможно: эта история пишется в наши дни.
Everything and nothingness
Автор: Юрий Михайлович Низовцев
Год издания:
The book explains how nothingness turns into everything, remaining nothingness.
Gerd Kanter. Everything is possible!
Автор: Gerd Kanter
Год издания:
Olumpiavoitja Gerd Kanteri raamat inglise keeles. Minu kodukandis Vigalas oeldakse: ule madala aia oskab astuda igauks. Mulle pole madalad aiad kunagi sobinud. Mul on alati olnud nii, et kui on eesmark, siis ikka suur. Olen kogu aeg tahtnud kaugemale ja kaugemale, rohkem ja rohkem. Voib-olla on see korvaltvaatajatele isegi naljakas tundunud, aga ma pole sellest eriti hoolinud. Gerd Kanter
The person – a product of evolution?! Whether everything is so clear here?!
Автор: Юрий Михайлович Низовцев
Год издания:
Certainly, the main thing in Creation is just what is capable to be separated from it, evaluate it and itself, to move forward together. A person arose in itself or not? What is really his mission and whether there is this mission, per se? The riddle of emergence of the subject, which is so different from everything else in the thoughts, feelings and actions, as well as the problem of his disappearance isn't allowed in the frames of the known – evolutionary or religious – ideas, but it is well allowed by the approaches, described below.
The United States against Russia. Whether everything is so obvious here?
Автор: Юрий Михайлович Низовцев
Год издания:
Whose will take in opposition of Russia and the USA? Weak Russia nowadays or the strong America? Is it possible to actually the victory any of the parties at this stage of development of a civilization? Why only Russians do not wish in their mass humbly to accept the consumerist values of the West and in what the Russian idea should consist?
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