A balanced lifestyle enhances health, happiness and wellbeing. With practical techniques and strategies, this book explores how this balance can be found and how stress and anxiety, which are linked to being overworked and over busy, may be alleviated. It begins by examining the state of work-life imbalance in our everyday lives and discussing real life examples from a group of professionals working in health and social care. Their stories and experiences illustrate the problems caused by our modern, work-driven society and resonate with how many of us are living today. The author then provides practical tools and techniques to address this overwork culture and achieve a more balanced lifestyle. These simple, yet effective, strategies can be implemented quickly in everyday life. This practical resource addresses a problem affecting many professionals worldwide. It will be of particular interest to helping professionals, including occupational therapists, counsellors and therapists, and will allow them to apply the theories of work-life balance to real life in straightforward and tangible ways. The stories and techniques will also resonate with anyone interested in transforming their overworked or overburdened lives. Получить ссылку |
The distress'd wife
Автор: John Gay
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «The distress'd wife : A comedy / By the late Mr. Gay, author of the Beggar's opera».
Captive mistress. English-language novels
Автор: Элайн Нексли
Год издания:
France, XVII century. Young Arabella, not knowing that such wealth and luxury, gets an invitation to the ball. Drugged to flatter the monarch, an innocent girl not notice that he is in the Royal bed. But the fee for the title mistress of the king is too high. The girl will have to visit the intoxicating harem of the East, the flight to sit down on the bed of a hated Sultan, to appear before himself with the Sacred court. And this is only the beginning of a difficult road leading to true love.
Stress Relief. How to Manage Stress in Everyday Life, Prevent Depression and Improve Mental Health
Автор: Egor Kuzmin
Год издания:
Almost daily we hear people use the word stress, so it seems that almost everyone knows what this phenomenon represents and how to recognize it, not not how to prevent or mitigate its harmful consequences. Stress is a set of emotional, physical, physiological and behavioral responses that occur when an event is thought to be hazardous or disturbing, and beyond our capacity to cope with. Of course, we should not forget that stress is essentially a very positive part of human nature.
Meditatsioon hoivatud inimestele. Stressi vahendavad tehnikad inimestele, kellel pole mediteerimiseks aega
Автор: Osho
Год издания:
"Pohiline on moista, et meditatsioon on seotud jalgimisega. Sa jalgid, mis su sees toimub, olenemata sellest, mis toimub umberringi. Kodus, too juures, hommikul, ohtul… Tanapaeva huperaktiivne moistus ei lase sul paigal istuda. Niisiis, jooksu pealt mediteerimine ongi asja voti: olles aktiivne, on jalgimine algul palju lihtsam. Sellest tulenebki selles raamatus kirjeldatud Osho aktiivse meditatsiooni ja teiste tegusatele inimestele moeldud meditatsioonide vaartus. Paradoksaalselt, kui puuad istuda paigal, markad vaid hullumeelselt poorlevat moistust. Kui oled terve tegusa paeva poorelnud ja jalginud, siis markad, et sul on vaikne kese. Void ka avastada, et osa sellest hullust moistusest tuleb minema saata, enne kui suudad lodvestuda ja olla vaikselt.Raamat „Meditatsioon hoivatud inimestele” Osho nouannetega toob sinuni erinevaid enese avastamise viise, milline olukord ka poleks. Void avastada vahemalt selle, kes sa pole.Selle teaduse juures on imetore see, et igauks on oma laboris teadlane. Uskumusi ei nouta. Ega usu kinnitamist. Lihtsalt on vaja teaduslikku lahenemist, kui voetakse hupotees ja seda enda peal katsetatakse. Kui see ebaonnestub, pole probleemi, su paberikorv on ilmselt juba pooleldi tais. Kui onnestub, oled avastanud kuldvotmekese. Pahupool puudub.Teadlased on marganud, et ka normaalsed vanusega kaasnevad muutused on mediteerijatel vahem valjendunud – meditatsioon on kindlasti odavam kui kortsudevastane kreem!
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