Скачать книгу - BodyMindCORE Work for the Movement Therapist

The principles of Noah Karrasch's CORE® model focus on whole body, breath, and movement awareness in order to determine where restrictions and blockages in the body may occur. Based on a lifetime of fine-tuning CORE® theory and practice, this comprehensive text not only explains in detail how and why this model works, but will also help movement therapists get better results for clients by being more in tune with them and their bodies, and by improving clarity in their own practitioner bodies. Looking at the body as a whole with its four centres and five restriction areas, this book shows how to help clients move into and through spaces that may be `stuck'. Photographs and illustrations demonstrate how to work from a free and resilient CORE® and how to isolate, stretch and release restrictions to achieve greater energy levels and pain reduction. With the mantra that in order to treat the physical, we must also examine our emotional, mental and energetic states, this book shows how to better involve clients in their own healing process through movement work.

Voluntary Human Extinction Movement. Демотивация или же Мотивация? Пускай каждый решит это для себя сам Voluntary Human Extinction Movement. Демотивация или же Мотивация? Пускай каждый решит это для себя сам

Автор: Андрей De’мотиватор Волк

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Сборник материалов неопределённой формы, посвящённый глобальным (деструктивным) процессам в человеческом обществе и вытекающим отсюда последствиям.Написано в 2013—2020гг. Книга содержит нецензурную брань.

The Collected Works in Verse and Prose of William Butler Yeats. Volume 4 of 8. The Hour-glass. Cathleen ni Houlihan. The Golden Helmet. The Irish Dramatic Movement The Collected Works in Verse and Prose of William Butler Yeats. Volume 4 of 8. The Hour-glass. Cathleen ni Houlihan. The Golden Helmet. The Irish Dramatic Movement

Автор: William Butler Yeats

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The Transformation of Early Christianity from an Eschatological to a Socialized Movement The Transformation of Early Christianity from an Eschatological to a Socialized Movement

Автор: Edwards Lyford Paterson

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The Mystery of Market Movements. An Archetypal Approach to Investment Forecasting and Modelling The Mystery of Market Movements. An Archetypal Approach to Investment Forecasting and Modelling

Автор: Niklas Hageback

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A quantifiable framework for unlocking the unconscious forces that shape markets There has long been a notion that subliminal forces play a great part in causing the seemingly irrational financial bubbles, which conventional economic theory, again and again, fails to explain. However, these forces, sometimes labeled ‘animal spirits’ or ‘irrational exuberance, have remained elusive – until now. The Mystery of Market Movements provides you with a methodology to timely predict and profit from changes in human investment behaviour based on the workings of the collective unconscious. Niklas Hageback draws in on one of psychology's most influential ideas – archetypes – to explain how they form investor’s perceptions and can be predicted and turned into profit. The Mystery of Market Movements provides; A review of the collective unconscious and its archetypes based on Carl Jung’s theories and empirical case studies that highlights and assesses the influences of the collective unconscious on financial bubbles and zeitgeists For the first time being able to objectively measure the impact of archetypal forces on human thoughts and behaviour with a view to provide early warning signals on major turns in the markets. This is done through a step-by-step guide on how to develop a measurement methodology based on an analysis of the language of the unconscious; figurative speech such as metaphors and symbolism, drawn out and deciphered from Big Data sources, allowing for quantification into time series The book is supplemented with an online resource that presents continuously updated bespoken archetypal indexes with predictive capabilities to major financial indexes Investors are often unaware of the real reasons behind their own financial decisions. This book explains why psychological drivers in the collective unconscious dictates not only investment behaviour but also political, cultural and social trends. Understanding these forces allows you to stay ahead of the curve and profit from market tendencies that more traditional methods completely overlook.

The Awakened Millionaire. A Manifesto for the Spiritual Wealth Movement The Awakened Millionaire. A Manifesto for the Spiritual Wealth Movement

Автор: Joe Vitale

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Radical formula transforms your money and spiritual growth into global change The Awakened Millionaire is a practical manifesto guiding you to new dimensions of personal wealth, spiritual growth, and as a result, global transformation. Crafted by Dr. Joe Vitale, a famed millionaire, best-selling author, and star of the blockbuster movie «The Secret,» you'll discover a controversial formula that accomplishes what few believe possible: combining money and spirituality together to bring you more of both, while transforming you into a force for good in a world that desperately needs it. This book is a call to action, pushing you to wake up, stand up, and transform yourself into a powerful expression of your passion, your wealth, and your desire to make a difference. It is an invitation to become a true Awakened Millionaire, starting today. While most consider money and spirituality a blasphemous duo, Dr. Vitale shatters these social norms and shows you the true nature of money empowered with soulful purpose. At turns inspirational, motivational, and conversational, this page-turner ultimately narrows in on practical steps anyone can use to see instantaneous results, regardless of your past failures, current financial situation, or future goals. But his mission is not to simply transform you. Dr. Vitale's mission is to create a swarm of Awakened Millionaires transforming the world with every action they take, while enjoying personal luxury and soulful fulfillment new levels of money and spiritual growth can give them. The book reveals: How to turn your passion into wealth How to transform money into a spiritual tool How to create a soulful mission that changes the world If you desire both wealth and spirituality, this book finally reveals how.