Скачать книгу - Kirste's Wine

More than 35 years after one of Australia's most baffling and brazen child abductions, journalist John Allin returned to Adelaide to talk with Greg and Christine Gordon.<br /> <br />In this compelling and deeply personal story, Allin tells how a simple but precious gift kept their daughter Kirste's disappearance high in his mind for so many years.<br /> <br />Welcome to Crime Shots – short, sharp, true crime stories from Australia's past and present.

Kirsten Boies Kinder- und Jugendbucher in der Grundschule und Sekundarstufe I Kirsten Boies Kinder- und Jugendbucher in der Grundschule und Sekundarstufe I

Автор: Wilhelm Steffens

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The Kirsten Dunst Handbook - Everything you need to know about Kirsten Dunst The Kirsten Dunst Handbook - Everything you need to know about Kirsten Dunst

Автор: Emily Smith

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