Скачать книгу - Capturing the Crown Bundle

The murder of Crown Prince Reginald, heir to the throne of Silvershire, sets off a torrent of violence and intrigue that threatens to tear the lovely little kingdom apart.Struggling to unearth answers and bring peace to the beleaguered realm, the investigators of the Lazlo Group must protect the royal family, as well as innocents swept up in the surge of events. But amidst the escalating danger, passion flares, desire awakens, and new love is born.Bundle includes The Heart of a Ruler by Marie Ferrarella, The Princess’s Secret Scandal by Karen Whiddon, The Sheik and I by Linda Winstead Jones, Royal Betrayal by Nina Bruhns, More Than a Mission by Caridad Pineiro and The Rebel King by Kathleen Creighton.

Corporal 'Lige's Recruit: A Story of Crown Point and Ticonderoga Corporal 'Lige's Recruit: A Story of Crown Point and Ticonderoga

Автор: Otis James

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The Weight of the Crown The Weight of the Crown

Автор: White Fred Merrick

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And What if the Pretender should Come? Or Some Considerations of the Advantages and Real Consequences of the Pretender's Possessing the Crown of Great Britain And What if the Pretender should Come? Or Some Considerations of the Advantages and Real Consequences of the Pretender's Possessing the Crown of Great Britain

Автор: Даниэль Дефо

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Secret Memoirs: The Story of Louise, Crown Princess Secret Memoirs: The Story of Louise, Crown Princess

Автор: Fischer Henry William

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The Fifth Queen Crowned The Fifth Queen Crowned

Автор: Форд Мэдокс Форд

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