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Eclipse: разработка RCP-, Web-, Ajax– и Android-приложений на Java Eclipse: разработка RCP-, Web-, Ajax– и Android-приложений на Java

Автор: Тимур Машнин

Год издания: 

Книга посвящена разработке в среде Eclipse широкого круга Java-приложений. Рассмотрены основы работы в среде Eclipse, использование инструментов отладки, тестирования и рефакторинга кода. Описана командная разработка приложений, их интернационализация и локализация, создание GUI-интерфейса на основе библиотеки SWT и набора Java-классов JFace. Показаны особенности разработки приложений RCP и Android, а также Web– и Ajax-приложений на основе Eclipse-проектов RAP, GWT, Riena, SCA, Scout, WTP, DTP, BIRT. Материал книги сопровождается большим количеством примеров с подробным анализом исходных кодов. Для программистов.

Eclipse For Dummies Eclipse For Dummies

Автор: Barry Burd A.

Год издания: 

In his friendly, easy-to-understand style, the bestselling author of Java 2 For Dummies shows developers how to get up to speed fast on this popular Java IDE Eclipse, an open source product originally developed by IBM, has an estimated 500,000 users-a 45 percent market share among Java IDEs Shows Java developers how to maximize programming productivity with Eclipse, covering all the basics as well as advanced techniques such as using Ant, developing new Eclipse plug-ins, and working with Javadocs JAR files

Eclipse of Grace Eclipse of Grace

Автор: Nicholas Adams

Год издания: 

Eclipse of Grace offers original insights into the roots of modern theology by introducing systematic theologians and Christian ethicists to Hegel through a focus on three of his seminal texts: Phenomenology of Spirit, Science of Logic, and Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion. Presents brilliant and original insights into Hegel’s significance for modern theology Argues that, theologically, Hegel has been misconstrued and that much more can be gained by focusing on the logic that he develops out of an engagement with Christian doctrines Features an original structure organized as a set of commentaries on individual Hegel texts, and not just presenting overviews of his entire corpus Offers detailed engagement with Hegel’s texts rather than relying on generalizations about Hegelian philosophy Provides an illuminating, accessible and lucid account of the thinking of the major figures in modern German philosophy and theology

Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross 2018 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross 2018

Автор: Творческий коллектив шоу «Сергей Стиллавин и его друзья»

Год издания: 

Сергей и Рустам сошлись во мнении, что MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE CROSS – лучшая модель японского бренда на текущий момент.

Eclipse: The science and history of nature's most spectacular phenomenon Eclipse: The science and history of nature's most spectacular phenomenon

Автор: J. McEvoy P.

Год издания: 

J P McEvoy looks at remarkable phenomenon of a solar eclipse through a thrilling narrative that charts the historical, cultural and scientific relevance of solar eclipses through the ages and explores the significance of this rare event.In the year when Britain will be touched by a solar eclipse for the first time since 1927, J P McEvoy looks at this remarkable phenomenon through a thrilling narrative that charts the historical, cultural and scientific relevance of solar eclipses through the ages and explores the significance of this rare event.Eclipse shows how the English Astronomer Norman Lockyer named the element Helium from the spectra of the eclipsed Sun, and how in Cambridge Arthur Eddinton predicted the proof of Einstein’s General Relativity from the bending of sunlight during the famous African eclipse of 1919.During late morning on 11 August, 1999 the shadow of the last total eclipse of the Millennium will cut across the Cornwall Peninsula and skirt the coast of Devon before moving on to the continent, ending its journey at sunset in the Bay of Bengal, India. Britain’s next eclipse will be in September, 2090.Throughout history, mankind has exhibited a changing response to the eclipse of the sun. The ancient Mexicans believed the Sun and the Moon were quarrelling whilst the Tahitians thought the two celestial objects were making love.Today, astronomers can calculate the exact path the moon’s shadow will track during the solar eclipse. As millions encamp for the brief spectacle with mylar glasses, pin-hole cameras, binoculars and telescopes, space agency satellites and mountain-top observatories study the corona, flares and the magnetosphere of the Sun as the 125 mile-wide black patch zooms along the ground at 2000 mph.