Скачать книгу - I Do Not Like Living with Brothers

#1 New Release in Early Learning Beginner Readers - Living with Siblings Can Be Great, Even When They're Brothers Learn about the importance of family.   I Do Not Like Living With Brothers  aims to teach young siblings to see the value and goodness in each other. We never like everything about our brothers or sisters, but if we focus on the positive and recognize that our family cares about us, then we can live in community with greater joy. Turn sibling rivalry into love and kindness.  Exploring the family dynamic of a sister living with two brothers, in this children's book, our young narrator discovers that while her brothers are dirty, smelly, and sometimes selfish, they are also kind, funny, and helpful. Author and father Daniel Baxter, cohost of the popular YouTube channel  How It Should Have Ended , shows kids that perhaps living with your siblings is not all bad. I Do Not Like Living With Brothers  is a great empathy book for kids.  With creative examples and fun illustrations, it will teach young girls and boys: How to be more generousWhy we should appreciate the people we live withThat even though living with siblings can be hard work, it's worth it! If you and your child enjoy seeing examples of tolerance and reading kindness books for children like  Be Kind ,  You're the Biggest , and  Kindness Starts with You , you will love  I Do Not Like Living With Brothers .