Скачать книгу - Mini Filipino Snacks and Sweets

Good food can make or break a party and this cookbook is sure to be a crowd pleaser. Filipino Snacks and Sweets features over 50 irresistible recipes to make some of the most mouth watering treats. This cookbook contains easy step–by–step instructions to make sweet and savory snacks, rolls, fritters, patties, rice, puddings, sweets, and cakes. Recipes include:Banana spring rollsCrispy wontonsShrimp frittersSweet potato chipsBarbecued chicken skewersChicken empanadasDeep-fried squid ringsPeanut brittleAnd many more! Also included in this book are unit conversion tables, dual unit measurements, an overview of essential ingredients, and over 30 large photos. Each recipe includes cook time, prep time, and serving sizes. Enjoy!