Скачать книгу - Professional JavaScript™ for Web Developers

От издателя Прекрасная книга по современному javascript. В этой книге объясняется как программировать на javascript с использованием ООП, обработка ошибок, использование Ajax, XML, использование WebService etc. После прочтения у вас не должно возникнуть проблем с пониманием исходного кода библиотеки javascript prototype ;) Professional javascript for Web Developers javascript is an important feature of every major browser because it enables enhanced user interaction on both Web sites and Web applications. While exploring everything from its history to today's advanced features, this book shows you how to use this powerful language to its full potential in order to develop your own applications that solve the business problems facing Web developers today. You'll gain a clear understanding of the components that make up a javascript implementation, plus you'll examine critical areas including events, regular expressions, and browser detection techniques so that you can build dynamic user interfaces. You'll also learn how to extend the language to meet your specific requirements as well as create seamless client-server communication without intermediaries such as Java or hidden frames. What you will learn from this book ECMAScript basics, object-oriented programming techniques, and important Document Object Model (DOM) concepts How to implement regular expressions for data validation and string manipulation Methods for handling events to tie javascript to a Web user interface Techniques for validating data, sorting tables, and dealing with errors How to communicate between javascript and browser plugins All about security issues, optimization, and intellectual property protections Who this book is for This book is for Web developers who want to use javascript to dramatically improve the usability of their Web sites and Web applications. Wrox Professional guides are planned and written by working programmers to meet the real-world needs of programmers, developers, and IT professionals. Focused and relevant, they address the issues technology professionals face every day. They provide examples, practical solutions, and expert education in new technologies, all designed to help programmers do a better job.
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