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China's Superbank. Debt, Oil and Influence - How China Development Bank is Rewriting the Rules of Finance China's Superbank. Debt, Oil and Influence - How China Development Bank is Rewriting the Rules of Finance

Автор: Henry Sanderson

Год издания: 0000

Inside the engine-room of China's economic growth—the China Development Bank Anyone wanting a primer on the secret of China's economic success need look no further than China Development Bank (CDB)—which has displaced the World Bank as the world's biggest development bank, lending billions to countries around the globe to further Chinese policy goals. In China’s Superbank, Bloomberg authors Michael Forsythe and Henry Sanderson outline how the bank is at the center of China's domestic economic growth and how it is helping to expand China's influence in strategically important overseas markets. 100 percent owned by the Chinese government, the CDB holds the key to understanding the inner workings of China's state-led economic development model, and its most glaring flaws. The bank is at the center of the country's efforts to build a world-class network of highways, railroads, and power grids, pioneering a lending scheme to local governments that threatens to spawn trillions of yuan in bad loans. It is doling out credit lines by the billions to Chinese solar and wind power makers, threatening to bury global competitors with a flood of cheap products. Another $45 billion in credit has been given to the country's two biggest telecom equipment makers who are using the money to win contracts around the globe, helping fulfill the goal of China's leaders for its leading companies to «go global.» Bringing the story of China Development Bank to life by crisscrossing China to investigate the quality of its loans, China’s Superbank travels the globe, from Africa, where its China-Africa fund is displacing Western lenders in a battle for influence, to the oil fields of Venezuela. Offers a fascinating insight into the China Development Bank (CDB), the driver of China's rapid economic development Travels the globe to show how the CDB is helping Chinese businesses «go global» Written by two respected reporters at Bloomberg News As China's influence continues to grow around the world, many people are asking how far it will extend. China’s Superbank addresses these vital questions, looking at the institution at the heart of this growth.
Web Application
Development with PHP 4.0 Web Application Development with PHP 4.0

Автор: Tobias Ratschiller, Till Gerken

Год издания: 

While the success of Open Source software like Linux or Apache has been documented extensively throughout all mainstream media, the rise of PHP has gone largely unnoticed. Still, the Web scripting language PHP is the most popular module for the Apache Web server, according to an E-Soft survey (www.e-softinc.com/survey/). Netcraft studies have found that PHP is in use on over 6% of all Web domains in the world (see www.netcraft.com/survey).That’s an incredible market penetration for a rather specialized product.This popularity continues to rise exponentially. Increasingly, this is being reflected in traditional media: As of May, 2000, more than 20 books about PHP have been published in different languages, with more in the pipeline. Commercial players are beginning to join the bandwagon: PHP is included with Web servers, for example C2’s Stronghold, and Linux distributions. A new company, Zend Technologies, has been formed to provide commercial add-ons and support for PHP.A long list of large-scale Web sites employ PHP, as well as hundreds of thousands of small to medium Web sites.

Secure PHP Development: Building 50 Practical Applications Secure PHP Development: Building 50 Practical Applications

Автор: Mohammed J. Kabir

Год издания: 

The personal home page (PHP) server-side scripting language is particular well adapted to connecting HTML-based web pages to a backend database for dynamic content. This book explains the entire nuts-and-bolts process of the PHP application life cycle: requirements, design, development, maintenance and tuning. It shows how PHP can be used to design and develop highly manageable and secure applications to solve practical problems.

Deux ex machina Deux ex machina

Автор: Редьярд Джозеф Киплинг

Год издания: 

«„Невыразимые“ давали бал. Они взяли у артиллеристов семифунтовик, увили его лаврами, натерли пол для танцев, так что он стал гладким, как лед, приготовили такой ужин, какого никто никогда не едал, и у дверей комнаты поставили двух часовых, поручив им держать подносы с программами. Мой друг, рядовой Мельваней, был одним из этих часовых, так как он принадлежал к числу самых рослых малых в полку. В разгаре танцев часовых освободили, и Мельваней пошел помогать сержанту, который заведовал ужином…»

Английский язык для профессионального развития. Ресторанный и кейтеринговый бизнес / English for Professional Development. Restaurant and Catering Business Английский язык для профессионального развития. Ресторанный и кейтеринговый бизнес / English for Professional Development. Restaurant and Catering Business

Автор: О. Н. Федорова

Год издания: 

Человек: 2. Deus est machina (Бог в машине) Человек: 2. Deus est machina (Бог в машине)

Автор: Олег Мухин

Год издания: 

Спивающемуся меломану, Артёму Комарову, доставляют странную посылку, которая на деле является некоей машиной, исполняющей желания, и с помощью которой можно путешествовать во времени. Артём выясняет, что эта удивительная машина раньше принадлежала его отцу, служившему в спецотделе ГРУ. Отец Артёма при помощи некоего Аналитика, тоже когда-то работавшего в разведке, а ныне почти столетнего старика, собирает составные части этой машины со всего мира. Помогло ли волшебное устройство Аналитику обрести молодость, отцу Артёма найти смысл жизни, а самому Артёму стать счастливым? Или машина только лишь разрушила их мечты? А, может быть, дело не в машине, и человек сам творец своей жизни? Ответы на эти вопросы вы найдёте, прочитав эту книгу.