Currency Trading and Intermarket Analysis. How to Profit from the Shifting Currents in Global Markets
Автор: Ashraf Laidi
Год издания: 0000
As head FX strategist at CMC Markets–one of the world's leading forex/commodity brokers–Ashraf Laidi understands the forces shaping today's currency market and their interplay with interest rates, equities, and commodities. And now, with Currency Trading and Intermarket Analysis, he shares his extensive experiences in this field with you. Throughout the book, Laidi outlines the tools needed to understand the macroeconomic and financial nuances of this dynamic field and provides you with insights that are essential to making the most of your time within it.
Considerations on the state of the currency
Автор: Thomas Tooke
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Considerations on the state of the currency / by Thomas Tooke».
Сборник статей I межвузовской студенческой научно-практической конференции «Unbalanced Global Economy And Rising Risks»
Автор: Сборник статей
Год издания:
В сборнике представлены доклады, представленные на межвузовской студенческой научно-практической конференции МГУ «Unbalanced Global Economy and Rising Risks».
Creating global brand. 1
Автор: Maikl Sosnin
Год издания:
First part of the book. For any manager of any position from a general manager in regional companies or regional manager in international companies. Basic knowledge to understand how modern international business works.
Creating global brand. 2
Автор: Maikl Sosnin
Год издания:
2 part For any manager of any position from General manager in regional companies, Regional manager in international companies. Basic knowledge to understand how modern international business work.