The Age of Deleveraging. Investment Strategies for a Decade of Slow Growth and Deflation
Автор: A. Shilling Gary
Год издания: 0000
Top economist Gary Shilling shows you how to prosper in the slow-growing and deflationary times that lie ahead While many investors fear a rapid rise in inflation, author Gary Shilling, an award-winning economic forecaster, argues that the global economy is going through a long period of de-leveraging and weak growth, which makes deflation far more likely and a far greater threat to investors than inflation. Shilling explains in clear language and compelling logic why the world economy will struggle for several more years and what investors can do to protect and grow their wealth in the difficult times ahead. The investment strategies that worked for last 25 years will not work in the next 10 years. Shilling advises readers to avoid broad exposure to stocks, real estate, and commodities and to focus on high-quality bonds, high-dividend stocks, and consumer staple and food stocks. Written by one of today's best forecasters of economic trends-twice voted by Institutional Investor as Wall Street's top economist Clearly explains what to invest in, what to avoid, and how to cope with a deflationary, slow-growth economy Demonstrates how Shilling has been consistently right about major economic trends since he began forecasting in the early 1980s Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, this timely guide lays out a convincing case for why investors need to be prepared for a long period of weak growth and deflation-not inflation-and what you can do to prosper in the difficult times ahead.
Observations on the growth of the mind
Автор: Sampson Reed
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Observations on the growth of the mind / by Sampson Reed ; originally printed at Boston, in 1826».
Considerations sur les causes de la grandeur et de la decadence de la Monarchie espagnole. T. 1
Автор: Juan Sempere y Guarinos
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Considerations sur les causes de la grandeur et de la decadence de la Monarchie espagnole. T. 1 / par M. Sempere».
Considerations sur les causes de la grandeur et de la decadence de la Monarchie espagnole. T. 2
Автор: Juan Sempere y Guarinos
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Considerations sur les causes de la grandeur et de la decadence de la Monarchie espagnole. T. 2 / par M. Sempere».
Education in Russia in the First Decade of the 21st Century
Автор: Sergey Shirin
Год издания:
The study is based on a methodology proposed by European Association for Education Law and Policy for their research conducted in 2009 and devoted to commercialization, competition and corruption in European education. In the monograph, the attempt is made to apply their methods to analyze the commercialization, competition and corruption in Russian educational system that existed before the adoption of new educational legislation which came into force in 2013.