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CFA level I Exam Companion. The Fitch Learning / Wiley Study Guide to Getting the Most Out of the CFA Institute Curriculum CFA level I Exam Companion. The Fitch Learning / Wiley Study Guide to Getting the Most Out of the CFA Institute Curriculum

Автор: Fitch Learning

Год издания: 0000

Providing exam focus and knowledge application makes The CFA® Level I Exam Companion the most effective study guide on the market. Wiley and Fitch Learning offer an invaluable self-study guide to passing one of the most sought-after designations in the finance industry. The CFA® Level I Exam Companion acts as a guide, assisting candidates to navigate through the wealth of CFA level I content, prioritising key areas of the official CFA texts. The Exam Companion has been written by Fitch Learning’s experienced CFA® instructor faculty, who know what it takes to pass. This important supplement provides: Exam focus and guidance from Fitch Learning CFA® instructors Exam style questions and worked examples demonstrating key concepts Identification of critical Learning Outcome Statements Directly references the CFA® curriculum Both the print and the e-book form part of the Exam Companion study suite that includes: – CFA® Level I: Study Session Apps (iOS, Android), – CFA® Level I: Are You Ready? App (iOS, Android) – Fitch Learning CFA® Course and Online Study Options There is no substitute for genuine experience. With a reputation for enthusiasm, professionalism and innovation, Fitch Learning prepares more than 3,000 people a year globally for the CFA® exams. With a comprehensive online portal, exam prep tablet, virtual or live classroom sessions, question banks and extensive study materials; Fitch Learning make sure you have everything you need to best prepare yourself for the CFA Level I Exam. Both the print and the e-book form part of a study suite that will include: – CFA Level I: Study Sessions App (iOS, Android), – CFA Level I: Are You Ready? App (iOS, Android) – and the FitchLearning CFA Digital Study Course. About the Apps: CFA Level I: Are You Ready? Considering adding CFA Level I to your CV? Are You Ready? by FitchLearning Wiley allows you to gauge your suitability for free, using 10 CFA Level I technical questions and a further 10 aptitude questions to examine your current financial knowledge and ability. Providing you with immediate results via diagnostic and video. CFA Level I: Study Sessions Offering the kind of support no other App on the market can match; CFA Level I Study Sessions by FitchLearning Wiley gives you a free reading from two of the most challenging topics in the curriculum; Financial Reporting & Analysis and Quantitative Methods. Candidates have the option to purchase the remaining readings from 6 study sessions across both topics, giving them access to entire modules on the move. The app incorporates lecture videos, annotated slide packs, questions and answers with the ability to track your progress and performance. All of this via stream or available to download and view offline, anywhere, anytime.
Testing SAP R/3
A Manager’s Step-by-Step Guide Testing SAP R/3 A Manager’s Step-by-Step Guide


Год издания: 

Planning, preparing, scheduling, and executing SAP test cycles is a time-consuming and resource-intensive endeavor that requires participation from several project members. SAP projects are prone to have informal, ad-hoc test approaches that decrease the stability of the production environment and tend to increase the cost of ownership for the SAP system. Many SAP project and test managers cannot provide answers for questions such as how many requirements have testing coverage, the exit criteria for a test phase, the audit trails for test results, the dependencies and correct sequence for executing test cases, or the cost figures for a previously executed test cycle. Fortunately, through established testing techniques predicated on guidelines and methodologies (i.e., ASAP SAP Roadmap methodology, IBM’s Ascendant methodology, and Deloitte’s ThreadManager methodology), enforcement of standards, application of objective testing criteria, test case automation, implementation of a requirements traceability matrix (RTM), and independent testing and formation of centralized test teams, many of the testing risks that plague existing or initial SAP programs can be significantly reduced. This book is written for SAP managers, SAP consultants, SAP testers, and team leaders who are tasked with supporting, managing, implementing, and monitoring testing activities related to test planning, test design, test automation, test tool management, execution of test cases, reporting of test results, test outsourcing, planning a budget for testing activities, enforcing testing standards, and resolving defects.

Oracle Database 10g: A Beginner's Guide Oracle Database 10g: A Beginner's Guide


Год издания: 

Two new Oracle instruction and resource titles from Osborne/McGraw-Hill are indispensable additions to personal and professional reference collections. Oracle Database 10g: A Beginner's Guide is the collective effort of Oracle experts Ian Abramson, Michael Abbey and Michael Corey. Oracle Database 10g provides neophytes with the fundamental concepts of Oracle Database 10g administration and programming. Through self-paced tutorials, readers will learn about database essentials, the role of the administrator, and large database features. Oracle Database 10g includes an in-depth introduction to SQL, PL/SQL, Java, and XML programming.

Level of Detail for 3D Graphics Level of Detail for 3D Graphics

Автор: Luebke David, Reddy Martin, Cohen Jonathan D., Varshney Amitabh, Watson Benjamin, Huebner Robert

Год издания: 

Level of Detail - это уровень детализации. Прочитав эту книгу, Вы сможете найти баланс между: потрясной визуализацией или бешеной скоростью. Level of detail (LOD) techniques are increasingly used by professional real-time developers to strike the balance between breathtaking virtual worlds and smooth, flowing animation. Level of Detail for 3D Graphics brings together, for the first time, the mechanisms, principles, practices, and theory needed by every graphics developer seeking to apply LOD methods. Continuing advances in level of detail management have brought this powerful technology to the forefront of 3D graphics optimization research. This book, written by the very researchers and developers who have built LOD technology, is both a state-of-the-art chronicle of LOD advances and a practical sourcebook, which will enable graphics developers from all disciplines to apply these formidable techniques to their own work. * Is a complete, practical resource for programmers wishing to incorporate LOD technology into their own systems. * Is an important reference for professionals in game development, computer animation, information visualization, real-time graphics and simulation, data capture and preview, CAD display, and virtual worlds. * Is accessible to anyone familiar with the essentials of computer science and interactive computer graphics. * Covers the full range of LOD methods from mesh simplification to error metrics, as well as advanced issues of human perception, temporal detail, and visual fidelity measurement. * Includes an accompanying Web site rich in supplementary material including source code, tools, 3D models, public domain software, documentation, LOD updates, and more. Visit http://LODBook.com.

Fiat Tipo and Tempra 1988-1996. Repair Manual – service guide Fiat Tipo and Tempra 1988-1996. Repair Manual – service guide

Автор: Коллектив авторов

Год издания: 

Инструкция по ремонту и обслуживанию моделей Fiat Tipo и Tempra. Дано описание всех узлов и агрегатов и советы по их эксплуатации и техобслуживанию. Чертежи, таблицы и схемы электрооборудования. Fiat Tipo - автомобиль итальянской компании Фиат. Был разработан дизайн студией IDEA. Выпускался с 1988 года по 1996 год.

Guide to self-repairing car bodies, in eBook Guide to self-repairing car bodies, in eBook

Автор: Монолит

Год издания: 



  • Body / frame and body structure
  • General information about replacing body panels
  • Safety first
  • Caring for paint
  • Recovery
  • Antirust treatment and priming
Overview of damage types and their recovery
  • Determination of severity of damage
  • The choice between repair and replacement
Tools and equipment
  • Tools and equipment
  • Equipment
Elimination of minor body damage
  • Eliminating scratches from paintwork
  • Elimination of minor dents
  • Restoration of areas exposed to minor corrosion
  • Repair of plastic body parts
Restoring a body that has serious damage
  • Types of tin work
  • Putties
  • Correction of significant corrosion damage
  • Glass fiber recovery methods
  • Correcting the stiffness of the bearing body by stretching
Replacement of body panels
  • Introduction
  • Body parts fastened on bolts
  • Welded panels
  • Adhesive body elements
  • Coupling of body panels
Preparing for painting
  • Preparation of old paint
  • Removing paintwork preparing for painting
  • Application of primer
  • Masking panels
Body painting
  • Painting equipment
  • Maintenance of the spray gun
  • Types of paint
  • Staining procedure
  • Prophylaxis and a technique of elimination of the defects arising at painting and drying
Doors and glasses
  • Replacement and adjustment of doors
  • Repair, replacement and installation of glasses
Facing and body accessories
  • General information
  • Removing and installing body linings and accessories
  • Removing and installing outdoor lighting
  • Removing and installing emblems and moldings
  • General information
  • Types of welding
  • Welding with a consumable electrode in shielding gas
  • Oxygen-acetylene welding
  • Soldering
A dictionary of terms used in the performance of body repair