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Investor Behavior. The Psychology of Financial Planning and Investing Investor Behavior. The Psychology of Financial Planning and Investing

Автор: Victor Ricciardi

Год издания: 0000

WINNER, Business: Personal Finance/Investing, 2015 USA Best Book Awards FINALIST, Business: Reference, 2015 USA Best Book Awards Investor Behavior provides readers with a comprehensive understanding and the latest research in the area of behavioral finance and investor decision making. Blending contributions from noted academics and experienced practitioners, this 30-chapter book will provide investment professionals with insights on how to understand and manage client behavior; a framework for interpreting financial market activity; and an in-depth understanding of this important new field of investment research. The book should also be of interest to academics, investors, and students. The book will cover the major principles of investor psychology, including heuristics, bounded rationality, regret theory, mental accounting, framing, prospect theory, and loss aversion. Specific sections of the book will delve into the role of personality traits, financial therapy, retirement planning, financial coaching, and emotions in investment decisions. Other topics covered include risk perception and tolerance, asset allocation decisions under inertia and inattention bias; evidenced based financial planning, motivation and satisfaction, behavioral investment management, and neurofinance. Contributions will delve into the behavioral underpinnings of various trading and investment topics including trader psychology, stock momentum, earnings surprises, and anomalies. The final chapters of the book examine new research on socially responsible investing, mutual funds, and real estate investing from a behavioral perspective. Empirical evidence and current literature about each type of investment issue are featured. Cited research studies are presented in a straightforward manner focusing on the comprehension of study findings, rather than on the details of mathematical frameworks.
Kes vottis minu raha? Miks aeglased investorid kaotavad ja kiire raha voidab Kes vottis minu raha? Miks aeglased investorid kaotavad ja kiire raha voidab

Автор: Robert T. Kiyosaki

Год издания: 

• Kas olete vasinud kuulmast ikka seda vana nouannet: „Saastke raha, investeerige pikaajaliselt ja hajutage”?• Kas tahate teada saada, kuidas ja miks professionaalsed investorid suurendavad oma raha liikumiskiirust selle parkimise asemel?• Kas teate, et teie investeerimisnoustaja ettevote teenib raha ka siis, kui teie seda kaotate?• Kas tahate teada, miks suurem osa finantsnoustajaid ei soovi, et te seda raamatut loete?Raamat «Rikka isa» sarjast, millest saab vaartuslikke nouandeid, kuidas paigutada oma kapitali nii, et paigutaja ei oleks mitte pankrotis, vaid raha tooks talle uha uut raha juurde.

Financial Statements Financial Statements

Автор: Ittelson Thomas

Год издания: 

Now the best-selling book of its kind has gotten even better.This revised and expanded second edition of Ittelson's master work will give you that firm grasp of "the numbers" necessary for business success. With more than 100,000 copies in print, Financial Statements is a perfect introduction to financial accounting for non-financial managers, stock-market investors, undergraduate business and MBA students, lawyers, lenders, entrepreneurs, and more. Most introductory finance and accounting books fail either because they are written "by accountants for accountants" or the authors "dumb down" the concepts until they are virtually useless. Financial Statements deftly shows that all this accounting and financial-reporting stuff is not rocket science and that you can understand it! Ittelson empowers non-financial managers by clearly and simply demonstrating how the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement work together to offer a "snapshot" of any company's financial health. Every term is defined in simple, understandable language. Every concept is explained with a basic, straightforward transaction example. And with the book's uniquely visual approach, you'll be able to see exactly how each transaction affects the three key financial statement of the enterprise. Two new major sections with nine new chapters were added to this revised second edition of Financial Statements, simply the clearest and most comprehensive introduction to financial reporting available. Теперь этот бестселлер стал еще лучше! Переработанное и дополненное второе издание книги даст вам твердое понимание финансовых показателей, необходимых для успеха в бизнесе. Выпущенная суммарным тиражом более чем 100 000 экземпляров, книга является прекрасным введением в финансовую отчетность для нефинансовых менеджеров, инвесторов в фондовые рынки, юристов, кредиторов и предпринимателей. Большинство книг подобного рода терпят крах именно потому, что они написаны «бухгалтерами для бухгалтеров» – в них рассматриваются концепции и понятия, которые являются практически бесполезными для нефинансистов. «Финансовая отчетность» показывает, что бухгалтерский учет и финансовая отчетность не относятся к области высшей математики и вполне доступны для понимания! Иттельсон четко и просто демонстрирует, как бухгалтерский баланс, отчет о прибыли и убытках и кэшфлоу дают «краткую характеристику» финансового состояния любой компании. Каждый термин определяется на понятном языке. Каждая концепция объясняется на примере простой сделки. Визуальное оформление книги позволяет увидеть, как именно каждая операция затрагивает три ключевые финансовые показателя предприятия. В книгу добавлены два новых раздела с девятью новыми главами.

The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition

Автор: Zoltan Dornyei

Год издания: 

The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition offers a systematic and accessible overview of the main psychological areas and theories in order to keep abreast of the ongoing paradigm shift.

Alphabet of the Human Mind. Psychology flagship Alphabet of the Human Mind. Psychology flagship

Автор: Nikita Danilov

Год издания: 

AHM is not only a science but also a combat art for the MIND, which You can be mastered.More accurate and complete Classification of Personality Types simply does not exist! Each concept from AHM such important as the gear from mechanism of Swiss watches.Become a Professional Psychologist, reading one Book? Thanks to the heroic work of the Authors of AHM this possible today!“If life has attached instruction, it would be called – Alphabet of the Human Mind!” ©

Your Mind and How to Use It: A Manual of Practical Psychology Your Mind and How to Use It: A Manual of Practical Psychology

Автор: Atkinson William Walker

Год издания: