Marriage On The Cards
Автор: Susan Carlisle
Год издания: 0000
Marry Me, Mackenzie! by Joanna SimsMackenzie Brand has kept her daughter’s paternity a secret for a decade. But now that Dylan Axel is back in her daughter’s life, is Mackenzie willing to go all in?A Proposal Worth Millions by Sophie Pembroke Sadie Sullivan is determined to make her business dreams a reality. Could Dylan Jacobs be the perfect business partner for Sadie – Or perhaps even more…?Heart Surgeon, Hero…Husband? by Susan CarlisleHannah Quinn’s tiny son desperately needs a new heart. But is she willing to entrust her baby’s life, and her own, to ex-flame Scott McIntyre?
Thinker. Logical gaming device, which combines the elements of Rubik’s Cube, the 15 puzzle, Dominoes and playing cards
Автор: Valeriy Zhiglov
Год издания:
For a long time the games are the entertainment, which is the most demanded for. Both in USA, and in a number of European countries, gaming industry overcame cinema in annual income already several years ago. The annual turnover in gaming industry already exceeded 15 billion dollars, and it still grows every year. I have proposed a logical gaming device, which combines the elements of Rubik’s Cube and the 15 puzzle, and which can be used widely to improve logical thinking abilities in children.