Unwrapping The Holidays
Автор: Sheryl Lister
Год издания: 0000
Desire is rising—and hearts are melting—in these sizzling holiday storiesHot Coded Christmas by Nana MaloneNothing says Christmas quite like…computer coding? That's how CEO Jamie Reed plans to spend the holidays, holed up in an upstate New York guesthouse, desperately trying to save her company. She didn't count on sharing this secluded wonderland with her business rival, Cole Nichols. But the sexy tech billionaire just might be the one to make all Jamie's winter wishes come true…Be Mine for Christmas by Sheryl ListerAfter her dream Christmas wedding is canceled, Maya Brooks aims to revive her spirits with a little holiday fling. Ian Jeffries finds the gorgeous bakery owner as luscious as her desserts—and wants more of both. But Maya's trust is shattered when she discovers that Ian's real-estate firm is trying to buy out her shop. Can he prove his passion isn't a ruse and that her love's the only gift he will need forever?
Зимние забавы сибиряков / Winter Holidays in Siberia
Автор: Анатолий Белоногов
Год издания:
В фотоальбоме красноярского фотохудожника А. А. Белоногова показаны жизнь и культура сибиряков глазами современного человека, с тем, чтобы осмыслить те основы, на которых зиждется народная культура. Авторы постарались не только представить часть сибирской культуры через зрительные образы, но и с помощью текста рассказать о времени их зарождения и связи с национальными корнями. Фотоальбом адресован всем читателям, интересующимся Красноярским краем.
Пьесы. Lift Trap. Holidays Russian-Style. Hotel Detective / Пленники лифта. Отпуск по-русски. Детектив из отеля
Автор: Андрей Кузьменков
Год издания:
Lift Trap. Holidays Russian-Style. Hotel Detective / Пленники лифта. Отпуск по-русски. Детектив из отеля Обучающие пьесы Языки: Английский, Русский Авторы: Юлия Кузьменкова, Андрей Кузьменков Исполнители аудиокниги: В. Кулешов, Ю. Кузьменкова, О. Комков Описание: Учебное аудиопособие содержит три пьесы для обучающего английского театра, записанные с участием преподавателей-актеров, краткие сведения о межкультурных различиях в коммуникативном поведении россиян и их англоговорящих партнеров. Акценты делаются на сочетание традиционных аспектов аудиторной работы и внеаудиторной, собственно «театральной» деятельности, а также на обучение эффективному межкультурному общению, как участников, так и зрителей. Для старших школьников и студентов, имеющих уровень не ниже (pre)intermediate.
The Little Colonel's Holidays
Автор: Johnston Annie Fellows
Год издания:
Surviving the Holidays For Dummies
Автор: Consumer Dummies
Год издания:
Just the thought of the holidays can be overwhelming: the decorating, the shopping, the entertaining, and the extra commitments (not to mention the extra calories). Fortunately, Surviving the Holidays For Dummies offers expert tips to help you make it through the holidays in one piece – with your friends and family marveling at how you do it all! This specially created ebook is divided into four parts that guide you through the holiday process. We can't help you with every holiday happening (and we would never claim to be able to do so) but we can help you plan and prepare for what should be the most wonderful time of the year. So whether you're having trouble getting in the holiday spirit or overwhelmed by all the shopping and entertaining, we've culled tried-and-true content from many of our bestselling titles to bring you this fun, approachable ebook to survive – and thrive – throughout the Holiday season. You'll start with tips and hints for avoiding as much holiday stress as possible and discover how you can get a head start on holiday shopping with gift ideas and, of course, Dummies product suggestions. Next up you'll find out how to entertain like a pro and host a stellar bash – from choosing a date and planning a menu to making your holidays flow smoothly with handy, must-have to-do lists. Plus, you'll find easy-to-follow recipes for drinks, appetizers, main and side dishes, and desserts and that will make you the talk of Tinsel Town. And what would any holiday be without a bit of overindulgence? If the holidays leave you feeling drained and in need of a recharge, we've got advice for how to quickly recover, both mentally and physically. We've even included a lighthearted Part of Tens. In this section, you discover what you should (and shouldn’t) do during the holidays. 'Tis the season to enjoy the holidays with a little bit of help from For Dummies.