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If The Ring Fits... If The Ring Fits...

Автор: Kate Hardy

Год издания: 0000

Ballroom to Bride and GroomWhen TV presenter Polly Anna Adams enters a celebrity dance competition, her partner is the gorgeous, but wary, Liam Flynn. As the competition heats up, so does their attraction. If only they could convince themselves their tango passion is ‘just for the cameras’…A Bride for the Maverick MillionaireRachel Cotton has high hopes for her relaxing cruise through the Kimberley region – but gorgeous millionaire Finn Kinnard seems intent on stirring her up! Finn might claim to be a heartbreaker, but Rachel soon discovers there is more to this man than meets the eye…Promoted: Secretary to Bride! After working for Jarrod Banning for three years, secretary Molly Taylor is convinced he’ll never look at her the way she looks at him. But when Jarrod needs a companion for social functions, could Molly’s Cinderella transformation show him what’s been there all along?
If the Stiletto Fits... If the Stiletto Fits...

Автор: Wendy Etherington

Год издания: 

How does a girl sweep a guy off his feet?Thanks to an amazingly efficient business manager, Lily Reaves finds herself teetering–in stilettos, no less–on the brink of distinction now that her line of come-get-me pumps shows every sign of becoming a huge success. Which is why James's announcement that he's leaving brings her to earth with an unpleasant thump.Before his arrival, everything was a mess. Even finding a lover was impossible, which was why she'd discarded them like so many ill-fitting shoes. Hmm. Could James be the perfect «fit» for both her business and pleasure? If so, she'll have to curb that occasional urge to open her mouth–and insert high heel!It's going to be war!

If The Ring Fits... If The Ring Fits...

Автор: Melissa Mcclone

Год издания: 

Practical Rachel Palmer's aversion to risk-taking led to a marriage that just didn't fit. Now single again, she's embracing her newfound independence–and the first step is taking her jewelry business worldwide! For that she needs expert help from Italian Antonio Salerno…His business help soon turns personal. And being in close-enough-to-kiss proximity to a sexy playboy makes Rachel feel she's taking a flying leap into deliciously risky territory. It's everything she's been craving…but this is a man famous for loving and leaving. Surely falling for him would be a step too far?

If the Red Slipper Fits... If the Red Slipper Fits...

Автор: Shirley Jump

Год издания: 

Missing: One Red Stiletto, Reward For Safe Return New York gossip writer Sarah Griffin has lost a shoe. However, this isn’t just any shoe – it is a custom-made design that she was supposed to be taking care of (not wearing! ) and losing it could mean her job.When notorious playboy Caleb Lewis, best known for creating column inches in the paper Sarah writes for, shows up at her office with a dangerous glint in his eye, Sarah is suspicious. It seems her shoe’s kidnapper is none other than this unconventional Prince Charming.Now Caleb, owner of the most deliciously wicked reputation in New York, has a proposition for Sarah – one she cannot turn down. Let her modern-day fairytale begin…

If the Ring Fits... If the Ring Fits...

Автор: Jackie Braun

Год издания: 

Practical Rachel Palmer’s aversion to risk-taking had led to a marriage—and a life—that just didn’t fit. Now single again, she knows she has to start living a little bit more dangerously, and her first step is taking her jewellery business around the world! For that she needs the expert help from Italian Antonio Salerno…His help with her business soon turns personal. And being in close-enough-to-kiss proximity to a sexy playboy makes Rachel feel she’s taking a flying leap into deliciously risky territory!It's everything she's been craving… but this is a man famous for loving and leaving. Surely falling for him would be a risk too far?