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Tell Me the Planets Tell Me the Planets

Автор: Ben Platts-Mills

Год издания: 0000

Planets and stars. The History of almost Everything Planets and stars. The History of almost Everything

Автор: Lim Word

Год издания: 

We love the Cosmos. We need the most important technical details – they are here. We need feelings and scope for imagination – this is taken into account in every possible way…

The Planets The Planets

Автор: Andrew Cohen

Год издания: 

‘Absolutely beautiful’ BBC One Show‘Really impressive’ Eamonn Holmes, ITV This MorningA companion book to the critically acclaimed BBC series.The bestselling authors of Wonders of the Universe are back with another blockbuster, a groundbreaking exploration of our Solar System as it has never been seen before.Mercury, a lifeless victim of the Sun’s expanding power. Venus, once thought to be lush and fertile, now known to be trapped within a toxic and boiling atmosphere. Mars, the red planet, doomed by the loss of its atmosphere. Jupiter, twice the size of all the other planets combined, but insubstantial. Saturn, a stunning celestial beauty, the jewel of our Solar System. Uranus, the sideways planet and the first ice giant. Neptune, dark, cold and whipped by supersonic winds. Pluto, the dwarf planet, a frozen rock.Andrew Cohen and Professor Brian Cox take readers on a voyage of discovery, from the fiery heart of our Solar System, to its mysterious outer reaches. They touch on the latest discoveries that have expanded our knowledge of the planets, their moons and how they come to be, alongside recent stunning and mind-boggling NASA photography.

The Planets The Planets

Автор: Dava Sobel

Год издания: 

After the huge national and international success of ‘Longitude’ and ‘Gallileo’s Daughter’, Dava Sobel tells the human story of the nine planets of our solar system.This groundbreaking work traces the ‘lives’ of each member of our solar family, from myth and history, astrology and science fiction, to the latest data from the modern era's robotic space probes.Whether revealing what hides behind Venus's cocoon of acid clouds, describing Neptune's complex beauty, or capturing first-hand the excitement at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory when the first pictures from Cassini at Saturn were recently beamed to earth, Dava Sobel's unique tour of the solar system is filled with fascination and beauty. In lyrical prose interspersed with poems by Tennyson, Blake and others, ‘The Planets’ gives a breathtaking, intimate view of those heavenly bodies that have captured the imagination since humanity’s first glimpse of the glittering night skies.Timely and timeless, ‘The Planets’ will engage and delight as it unravels the mysteries of the cosmos. It is of infinite relevance to this age in which new planets are being discovered elsewhere in our galaxy.Note that it has not been possible to include the same picture content that appeared in the original print version.

The Asteroids; Or Minor Planets Between Mars and Jupiter The Asteroids; Or Minor Planets Between Mars and Jupiter

Автор: Daniel Kirkwood

Год издания: 

Between Planets Between Planets

Автор: Роберт Хайнлайн

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