Transient Ischemic Attacks
Автор: Seemant Chaturvedi
Год издания: 0000
This book was born from the synthesis of the rapidly proliferating field of cerebrovascular disease research, excitement about effective new imaging and therapeutic strategies, and the need to timely educate clinicians about the changing playing field for a common, serious and expensive syndrome – transient ischemic attacks (TIA). TIAs can now stand on their own as an important, and, at times, unique aspect of symptomatic cerebrovascular disease, distinct enough to warrant a textbook in its own right. With new information on a worrisome and serious natural history, growing knowledge of risk factors and their management, sophisticated neuroimaging techniques, and a broadening armamentarium of therapeutic approaches, the clinician is now faced with multiple levels of decision making. Does one admit the patient with a recent TIA to the hospital? What are the optimal imaging and diagnostic strategies? What antiplatelet agent to use? What is the role for surgery and interventional techniques? How do I optimally control associated risk factors? This book serves to provide the most current information to help guide clinicians through the best decisions to care for their patients, using evidence-based recommendations when available and expert opinion when no good data exist.
Cyber Threat!. How to Manage the Growing Risk of Cyber Attacks
Автор: MacDonnell Ulsch
Год издания:
Conquering cyber attacks requires a multi-sector, multi-modal approach Cyber Threat! How to Manage the Growing Risk of Cyber Attacks is an in-depth examination of the very real cyber security risks facing all facets of government and industry, and the various factors that must align to maintain information integrity. Written by one of the nation's most highly respected cyber risk analysts, the book describes how businesses and government agencies must protect their most valuable assets to avoid potentially catastrophic consequences. Much more than just cyber security, the necessary solutions require government and industry to work cooperatively and intelligently. This resource reveals the extent of the problem, and provides a plan to change course and better manage and protect critical information. Recent news surrounding cyber hacking operations show how intellectual property theft is now a matter of national security, as well as economic and commercial security. Consequences are far-reaching, and can have enormous effects on national economies and international relations. Aggressive cyber forces in China, Russia, Eastern Europe and elsewhere, the rise of global organized criminal networks, and inattention to vulnerabilities throughout critical infrastructures converge to represent an abundantly clear threat. Managing the threat and keeping information safe is now a top priority for global businesses and government agencies. Cyber Threat! breaks the issue down into real terms, and proposes an approach to effective defense. Topics include: The information at risk The true extent of the threat The potential consequences across sectors The multifaceted approach to defense The growing cyber threat is fundamentally changing the nation's economic, diplomatic, military, and intelligence operations, and will extend into future technological, scientific, and geopolitical influence. The only effective solution will be expansive and complex, encompassing every facet of government and industry. Cyber Threat! details the situation at hand, and provides the information that can help keep the nation safe.
Attacks on the Press. The New Face of Censorship
Автор: Committee to Protect Journalists
Год издания:
The latest, definitive assessment of the state of free press around the world Attacks on the Press is a comprehensive, annual account of press conditions worldwide, focusing this year on the new face of censorship perpetrated by governments and non-state actors. Compiled by the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), the 2017 edition documents new dangers and threats to journalists and to the free and independent media. The risks are a combination of familiar censorship tactics applied in novel ways, and the exertion of pressure through unconventional means or at unprecedented levels. These censorship efforts range from withholding advertising to online trolling, website blocking to physical harassment, imprisonment to the murder of journalists. In the Americas, governments and non-state actors use new, sometimes subtle ways to limit journalists' ability to investigate wrongdoing. In Europe, authorities deploy intelligence services to intimidate the press in the name of national security. In Asia, governments block access to information online, and in some cases, punish those who manage to get around the obstacles. And throughout the world, terror groups are using the threat of targeted murder to compel journalists to refrain from covering crucial stories or otherwise self-censor. Attacks on the Press documents how these new forms of censorship are perpetrated and provides journalists with guidance on how to work around them, when possible, and how to ensure their own safety as well as the safety of their sources and people with whom they work. The book enables readers to: Examine the state of free media around the world Learn which nations violate press freedom with impunity Discover the most dangerous beats and regions Delve inside specific, increasingly complex challenges CPJ's mission is to defend the rights of journalists to report the news without fear of reprisal. Attacks on the Press provides a platform for direct advocacy with governments and the diplomatic community, for giving voice to journalists globally, and for ensuring that those journalists have a seat in discussions at the United Nations, the Organization of American States, the European Union, the African Union, and others.
Hack Attacks Denied. A Complete Guide to Network Lockdown
Автор: John Chirillo
Год издания:
Once you've seen firsthand in Hack Attacks Revealed all the tools and techniques that hackers use to exploit network security loopholes, you're ready to learn specific methods for protecting all parts of the network against security breaches. Corporate hack master Chirillo shows readers how to develop a security policy that has high alert capability for incoming attacks and a turnkey prevention system to keep them out. Network professionals will find expert guidance on securing ports and services, intrusion detection mechanisms, gateways and routers, Tiger Team secrets, Internet server daemons, operating systems, proxies and firewalls, and more.
Hack Attacks Revealed. A Complete Reference with Custom Security Hacking Toolkit
Автор: John Chirillo
Год издания:
The #1 menace for computer systems worldwide, network hacking can result in mysterious server crashes, data loss, and other problems that are not only costly to fix but difficult to recognize. Author John Chirillo knows how these can be prevented, and in this book he brings to the table the perspective of someone who has been invited to break into the networks of many Fortune 1000 companies in order to evaluate their security policies and conduct security audits. He gets inside every detail of the hacker's world, including how hackers exploit security holes in private and public networks and how network hacking tools work. As a huge value-add, the author is including the first release of a powerful software hack attack tool that can be configured to meet individual customer needs.