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I'd Rather Do Chemo Than Clean Out the Garage I'd Rather Do Chemo Than Clean Out the Garage

Автор: Fran Di Giacomo

Год издания: 0000

Pearls of wisdom balance hilarious fun in this shameless exploitation of the chemo lifestyle. Fran Di Giacomo shares the game plan she has used for survival, for quality of life, and to maintain her career as a professional artist. «As a career member of the Chemo Club, I have lived with cancer for twenty years,» writes Fran. «In the last five years, I have had thirteen hospitalizations, ten surgeries, and constant chemotherapy. Staying alive is a full-time job. I grew impatient with the usual sob stories dealing with cancer; we don't need tears, we need backbone and laughter! I show readers how to cultivate a new zest and enthusiasm for life and thereby empower themselves to combat their disease.»
Dave Darrin and the German Submarines. Or, Making a Clean-up of the Hun Sea Monsters Dave Darrin and the German Submarines. Or, Making a Clean-up of the Hun Sea Monsters

Автор: Hancock Harrie Irving

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Eating Clean For Dummies Eating Clean For Dummies

Автор: Jonathan Wright

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Everything you need to start eating clean Whether you've lived on white carbs and trans fats all your life or you're already health conscious but want to clean up your diet even further, Eating Clean For Dummies, 2nd Edition explains in plain English exactly what it means to keep a clean-eating diet. Brought to you by a respected MD and licensed nutritionist, it sets the record straight on this lifestyle choice and includes recipes, the latest superfoods, tips and strategies for navigating the grocery store, advice on dining out, and practical guidance on becoming a clean eater for life. Clean eating is not another diet fad; it's used as a way of life to improve overall health, prevent disease, increase energy, and stabilize moods. Eating Clean For Dummies shows you how to stick to foods that are free of added sugars, hydrogenated fats, trans fats, and anything else that is unnatural or unnecessary. Plus, you'll find recipes to make scrumptious clean meals and treats, like whole grain scones, baked oatmeal, roasted cauliflower, caramelized onion apple pecan stuffing, butternut mac and cheese, and more. Get the scoop on how clean eating helps you live longer, prevent disease, and lose weight Change your eating habits without sacrificing taste or breaking your budget Make more than 40 delicious clean-eating recipes Deal with food allergies and sensitivities You are what you eat! And Eating Clean For Dummies helps get you on the road to a healthier you.

Clean Money. Picking Winners in the Green Tech Boom Clean Money. Picking Winners in the Green Tech Boom

Автор: John Rubino

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In Clean Money, John Rubino, Editor of GreenStockInvesting.com, introduces you to the world of clean tech (also known as green tech) and its wealth creation potential. Throughout the book, he explores a variety of clean energy sources–from solar power to biofuels–and shows how these renewable resources will spawn successful companies and rising share prices. Page by page, you'll discover the technologies that will drive this boom and become familiar with the state of their markets, their growth prospects, and the companies that are best positioned to become tomorrow's success stories.

Profiting from Clean Energy. A Complete Guide to Trading Green in Solar, Wind, Ethanol, Fuel Cell, Carbon Credit Industries, and More Profiting from Clean Energy. A Complete Guide to Trading Green in Solar, Wind, Ethanol, Fuel Cell, Carbon Credit Industries, and More

Автор: Richard Asplund W.

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With Profiting from Clean Energy, respected investment analyst Richard Asplund provides an in-depth explanation of the technology and industry structure behind various sectors of this field and in the process identifies more than 150 stocks related to clean energy. Along the way, Asplund discusses exactly what it takes to effectively invest in clean energy—whether it be through buying individual stocks, investing in green exchange-traded funds or mutual funds, or trading the biofuel and carbon credit markets.

Green Cleaning For Dummies Green Cleaning For Dummies

Автор: Betsy Sheldon

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An authoritative guide to reducing household exposure to hazardous chemicals Thousands of household products contain toxic ingredients. Today, more and more people are seeking more natural cleaning methods to reduce their exposure to harsh chemicals. From the kitchen and bath to the living room and laundry, Green Cleaning For Dummies provides readers with green solutions to every common cleaning chore. Focusing on organic, nontoxic, sustainable alternatives to conventional cleaning products, it's packed with suggestions and tips for effective cleaning, and even offers green solutions for sprucing up patios, garages, vehicles, and the exterior of a house.